Chapter 17

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Kenzie's POV

"Are you absolutely sure about this honey?"

"Like I've said multiple times, yes I am."

As expected, my parents didn't take the news well. It's not that they tried to stop me, but they tried to fill doubts into my head. They were constantly mentioning all the bad things he did, and how he's dangerous. I tried my best to ignore them, which is something I normally do. They also asked me about a million times if I really wanted to see him, a question that I had the same answer for. I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. My body was filled with too much adrenaline to notice the nervousness, though.

Around 11 in the morning, after my therapist had arrived, since I had requested her to come along, we left the house and started our journey to the prison. My dad drove, my mother sat in the passenger seat, and Ms. Rose and I sat in the back. This was only the second time my parents have actually seen my therapist. I didn't even bring her for me. I brought her for them. I had told Ms. Rose before hand that my parents were going to be more nervous then me, so I suggested she come along to keep them calm. She happily agreed to that, which I was grateful for. Not only was she here to keep my parents calm, she also helped me stay calm.

On the way there, my parents made small conversation with her, and anyone could hear their unstable voices. I honestly wasn't sure what was bothering them so much. I asked Ms. Rose if I should ask them, but she said not to. She said there could be a number of different things making them nervous about me seeing my brother. It could be because he raped around 30 girls, or it could be the fact that I'm the same age as half of the girls who got raped. I understood what she was saying, and decided not to push my parents about the subject. I'm still surprised that they agreed to take me. They said that they were not going to see him, but I was allowed to.

After a treacherous 30 minutes, we finally arrived at the prison. It was a rather updated one compared to others I've seen. We parked in the visitor parking lot, but we stayed in the car for a few minutes before getting out. I was growing impatient, but I reminded myself that this was a big deal to my parents. I comfortingly put a hand on both of their shoulders, and rubbed my hands gently.

"It's ok, guys."

"Thanks sweetie. I know you'll be fine," my mother says softly.

My parents go to open the car doors, so I follow their lead. I'm the first one out, Ms. Rose following behind me. We all walk to the entrance of the prison. It's actually very intimidating up close. Once we check in with the security guards and state who we are, they give us directions to my brothers cell. Well, it's not technically the cell where he stays, but it's a larger version of it where he goes when he has a visitor. Unfortunately for my brother, since he was involved with so many families, no one is allowed to visit him unless they are his actual family.

We met Mr. Davis, who was in charge of running the whole place. He asked which one of us was going to see him, and I confidently raised my hand. He told me to follow him, which I did eagerly. He led me out of the waiting area, and started his way down a long hallway. I followed a few steps behind him. As we walked down the lonely, sad hallway, I felt a pang of guilt for my brother. Here he was, locked up, alone. This made a question pop into my head.

"Mr. Davis?"


"I was just wondering..does my brother have any friends here? Is he lonely all the time, or does he have a few people he hangs out with?"

He chuckled to himself, and I took that as a bad sign. He didn't stop to look at me though. He continued to walk, and I was wondering if he was even going to answer my question. After a few seconds, he finally acknowledged me.

"Well, Kenzie, you're brother is an interesting individual. I'm specifically in charge of observing him, since he came here under a rather terrible crime. He acts rather cocky, and he's full of himself. He tends to act like that a lot. However, whenever anyone tries to befriend him, he ignores them. I've noticed he's shy when people try to approach him and actually start conversation. But then again, sometimes when people try to talk to him, he still acts cocky. I don't understand him."

I'm taken aback by this information. I don't ever recall Milo acting cocky towards me or anyone else. I do, however, understand that he is shy. He's always been a rather shy person, so that part doesn't surprise me. I'm still not sure as to why he would be cocky. I make a mental note to ask him that later.

"Oh, ok. Thank you."

He finally stops walking, stopping in front of a huge set of doors. They match the rest of the place: cold and sterile. He moves to the side so I am able to open them. Before I do, he rests his hand on my shoulder.

"Listen, kid. I'm not sure what kind of relationship you have or had with your brother, but don't worry. Despite what he did, your brother is a good guy."

"How can you say that?"

He sighs. I know I'm annoying him, but I need to know why. "I can't really explain what I mean. But your brother has definitely changed since he got here. In my opinion, it's for the better. I think you'll agree with me."

He let's go of my shoulder, and walks away. I debate whether to call him back, since I still wasn't understanding what he meant. I decide not to, and I turn to face the doors. I slowly push them open, and I'm met with a large open room. It has a singular chair in the middle, and on the right side of the room is a wall made of glass. It has a bunch of little holes covering it, which I figure is to help the prisoner breathe. I slowly walk in, making sure to carefully shut the doors behind me. I head towards the chair, but before I can even sit down, I hear an all too familiar voice.

"Hey, sis. It's been awhile."

Here we go. Time to face demon number one.

What we had Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ