Chapter 15

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Kenzie's POV

"I know exactly what to do with your situation," said Ms. Rose.

"What is it?"

"It's something I live by. In order to really know what to do about this problem, you need to face all your demons, so to speak. What you basically need to do to is revisit bad memories from the past you try to forget, or events in the past that have changed you. I know it'll be tough, but once you do it, I know you'll feel free and much happier. I don't think you should deal with the Ryan situation first, though. I would save that for last. That will most likely be the toughest thing to deal with."

I sigh, but I'm not sure if I should be relieved or nervous. In theory, I know what she said will definitely help. I just don't know if I will be able to face all those bad memories. I don't have many, if I'm being honest. The ones I do have, however, have significantly affected my life. I nod my head at her answer, to let her know I understand.

"What do you think is the first thing you want to face, or move on from?"

Move on..

"My brother."

"And why him?"

"My brother is in jail. He caused my family a lot of pain."

"May I ask what your brother did?"

"He supposedly raped around 30 girls. They were all around my age or younger. He's been sentenced to life in jail."

"Did he ever try to do anything to y-"


I felt bad for cutting her off, but I get that question every time I explain what he did. I was young when he was sentenced, so I don't remember much about it. All I knew at the time was that what he was doing was bad. From my times spent with him, he never did anything to me. At least, that's what I've always been told.

The problem with my brother is that he's extremely attractive. He has this way of alluring girls to him effortlessly. Unfortunately, I didn't get any good looks from him. He has these mysterious, dark eyes that can make anyone curious about him. He also has long, black hair. He always kept some of his hair in front of his face, but it always fit him perfectly. I'm the complete opposite. I have blue eyes and brown hair. Most people probably wouldn't even know we're siblings if we didn't share the same last name.

"I mean, no. He never did anything to me."

"I'm sorry if that question bothered you. I was just curious."

"No, I'm sorry. I always get emotional when I talk about him. I don't remember too much about him, and my parents normally don't allow me to see him. I always looked up to him, and everyone had such high hopes for him. When we found out what he did, it was an endless nightmare for my parents. It honestly still is. I've always wanted him to come back into my life as a proper brother figure, but at this point that won't happen. I need to accept the truth."

"Do you know what you're going to say when you see him?"

I thought about it. "I probably won't. I'll just say what I feel. Once I'm done, no matter what he says, I'm going to leave him there. And I'm never going to go back."

"Alright then. So, when do you want to see him?"

"I'll visit him Saturday. I need to go alone though. What is said and not said needs to stay between us."

"I'll make sure that happens. Are you going to tell your parents?"

"I'll tell them. They'll need to take me there, since the prison is about a half hour away. They can't stop me. After all, he is my brother. I have a right to see him."

"You're absolutely right. Well, if you're going to do that, then just remember what I said."

"I need to face my demons, one at a time right?"

"Yes. I also recommend doing things that make you happy in between as well, to help balance everything out."

"Ok. Thank you so much."

I leave my therapists office with a new mindset. I honestly can't wait. Here I come, Milo. I can't wait to see you, brother.

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