Chapter 18

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Kenzie's POV

I turn my head towards the wall of glass, and I finally see him. My brother, Milo. He's sitting in a chair just like the one I slowly slink down into. Once I'm seated as comfortably as I can get, I take a deep breath. I stare at Milo to see if anything has changed, but he looks almost exactly the same. The only noticeable difference is that his hair is cut a little shorter, but other than that he looks like how I've always known him. Under the dim light of the room, I think I spot some marks on his face, but I can't see well enough to be sure.

"Hi, Milo. How have you been?"

"Oh, same as usual."

I stare at him quizzically. "You're acting as if we just talked yesterday. What does the same as usual mean?"

He quietly laughed to himself. "Kenzie, I'm locked up in prison, so I'm not doing that great. Jeez, why are you so dumb sometimes?"

I'm not sure if he was purposely trying to make me angry or not, but it was definitely working. I dug my fingernails into my palms to calm myself down. I then remember what Mr. Davis told me.

"He acts rather cocky, and he's full of himself."

I keep that in mind as I answer him. "You're right. Sorry. Anyway, have you been able to make friends here? Are you socializing with the other prisoners?"

Instead of laughing, he scoffed. This topic obviously didn't please him. "Not really. Everyone here is a bitch. No one is remotely friendly, and they have no concept of personal space."

"Then you fit right in."

Before I can stop myself, that rude comment slips out. Luckily I half whispered it, so perhaps he didn't hear me. The look on his face tells me he didn't.

"What did you say?"

"Oh nothing. I just said that's terrible."

"Yeah, you have no idea."

There was a long silence after that. I couldn't tell if it was awkward or comforting. We both just stared at each other. I wasn't sure what to ask him, and he probably felt the same. I was still wondering what the marks were from on his face, but when I went to talk again, that question didn't come out.

"Why'd you do it?"

I could tell he wasn't expecting me to be so straight forward. I realized while sitting there that I had never actually asked him why he raped so many girls. I never really thought about it to be honest.


His face looked stunned. Now that I see his reaction, I'm wondering if anyone has asked him that. I know the police have, but other than that, maybe no one has. He looks like he's thinking of an answer, so it better be the truth.

"Well? Why," I ask again.

"I..I don't know."


Now he looks even more shocked then before. I can't control my anger with him any longer. I came in here feeling sorry for him, but why should I? He raped around 30 girls, so he deserves to rot in jail. That's why I came here in the first place. I came here to move on from him. I need to forget about him.

"Kenzie..I know you're angry and everything, but I can't tell you why I did it."

"And why not?"

"I promised to never tell anyone why, even if it was family."

"Do mom and dad know?"

He takes a minute before responding. "Sort of."

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