Chapter 20

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Kenzie's POV

After facing a few more problems, I managed to make it to the last one. It wasn't necessarily a bad memory, it was just something that scared me. On a sunny afternoon, I followed the old path from the elementary school. Even though I haven't followed this path in quite a few years, it felt familiar. I walked until I was met with the old bridge. It's a bridge that cars can't drive over anymore, but where kids can hang out. I never really hung out around it because I was afraid of falling over. It's not very high above the water, but I couldn't shake the feeling.

I approached the bridge slowly. I cautiously walked over to it and sat down on the edge. I let my feet dangle over the edge, and I oddly felt at ease. I looked at my reflection in the water for a few seconds, then I looked away. I couldn't bare to look at myself any longer. I didn't want to look at the person I've become.

As I sit on the edge of the bridge, a certain memory floats through my mind. I remember saving Emily's life in this exact spot. Now that I'm thinking of her, I haven't actually seen her in weeks. Our friendship is now a thing of the past, just like how she almost died. It's weird, how close we were not too long ago. Now we act like strangers. I don't know what happened.

Jump off


No one will miss you

It will solve all your problems

Just do it

I shake my head, trying my best to avoid those thoughts. I've noticed that those words have been popping into my head more often. Normally I can ignore them, but I can't forever. Perhaps coming to this bridge was a bad idea. I came here to move on from my fears of it, but instead I'm feeling more comfortable with jumping off. I try to stand up and leave before something bad happens, but my body won't move. My feet keep dangling, and my arms are ready to push my body off. I internally yell and tell myself to stop, but I can't.

"Remember when I tried to kill myself? You were the only person I had beside me who cared. You were there for me at the lowest point in my life."

"So what? That was in the past. If you tried to kill yourself now, I could care less. I don't care about you and your dumb problems anymore."

Why did I say that? I'm in the same place she was, but she's not coming to help me. I've ruined everything, including her. I can't bring her back anymore.

What have I done?

sorry this is so short,,it's more of a reflection chapter which will lead to bigger things

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