Chapter 7

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I woke up early, too early for a Saturday. The clock said it was 7am, but I couldn't fall back to sleep. I had dreamt about him and what he said. It still meant something to me, even though I couldn't figure out what that was. I slowly pushed the covers off of me, exposing my arms and legs to the coldness of my room. I grabbed a hoodie and threw that on over my shirt.

I went downstairs, wide awake. I grabbed a bowl and a box of cereal. I poured the cereal into the bowl and sat it down on the table. As I was eating, I decided to check my phone. I had completely forgot that today was the day of the dance. I got excited, but then remembered that he was going to tell the girl he likes how he feels today. That hurt more than it did before.

I know he said he would come over at 6, so I had plenty of time to prepare myself. I ate my food silently as I zoned in and out of reality.

"You will always just have this feeling inside you I can't explain."

I was starting to get frustrated with his answer now. It's like I knew what he was trying to say, it was on the surface of my brain. It was hidden from me though, and I have to try hard to figure it out. I must of been really thinking about it, because I jumped out of my seat when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Oh sorry honey. I didn't mean to scare you."

I turned around to see my mom, and my muscles eased back into their usual shape.

"It's ok, I just didn't hear you coming."

"What are you doing up so early on a Saturday?"

"I just woke up early and I couldn't fall asleep again. I thought I should just get up."

"Ok that's fine."

She left it at that. She started to make herself breakfast as I was finishing mine. I put my bowl in the sink and went up to my room to get dressed. I put on some old clothes and left the house for some fresh air. It was a chilly morning, the sun trying to come out between the clouds. I enjoyed it, and took my time walking around the block. I was walking for a few minutes until the silence of the morning was interrupted by music.

I was passing a newer house, a block away from mine. I stopped walking to make sure I had heard what I thought. It was music, but not just any music. It was just background music, like you would hear behind the voice in a song. It sounded amazing and different from anything I'd heard before. I then wondered who was playing the music. I tried peeking in a window, but it was no use. I walked away in disappointment, but also happiness after hearing the music. I still wonder who was playing it.

"I didn't have a lot of free time, but when I did, I would compose songs."

Could that of really been him? Possibly, and maybe I'll ask him about it later. I continued my walk until I reached home again. Luckily I wasn't interrupted by anyone this time. By now it was 10, and I had an appointment to get my nails done in 15 minutes.

My mom and I got in the car and drove the 5 minutes to the nail salon. We went inside and we were greeted by many faces of girls from my school. I recognized a few, but my heart stopped as soon as I saw Kenzie. She was sitting in the last chair in a row of 10, and the only empty chair was beside her. I thought about leaving and getting my nails done somewhere else, but I knew every place would be packed. I decided to just sit beside her, since she would probably just ignore me.

The lady working directed me to the empty seat, and I sat down cautiously. I tried not to make eye contact with Kenzie, but I could feel her eyes on me. I looked down, hoping she would leave me alone. She didn't.

"Oh hi Emily."

"Hi," I said quietly.

"What are you doing here?" I could tell she was disgusted by my presence.

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