A Sleepless Night

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"Waaah waaaah waaah waaah" Akari was screaming it was Leo's and Raph's first proper night with her seeing as Leo only gave birth last night Donnie weighed her and she was 6lbs 8oz he kept her in an incubator all night just in case there were any medical problems with her but luckily she was fine.
Leo woke up and saw that Raph wasn't in bed he looked around the room and saw Raph feeding Akari fresh powder Milk and he was singing to her:
Hush little baby
Don't you cry
Everything's gunna be alright
Snipping out a bully
Don't little lady I told ya
Daddy's here ta hold ya
Through the night
Leo smiled at Raph's song to Akari Raph rocked Akari in his arms until she was knock out (asleep) then he put her back in her cot he got back into bed and cuddled Leo in his arms "Raph? You do know I would've got up with her you didn't have to" Raph smiled "you need all the rest you can get after that hard labour you went through if she wakes up again tonight I'll see to her you just rest" he said.
Leo smiled and dozed off "your such a great dad Raph" he cuddled next to Raph and pulled the blanket up over them funnily enough Akari slept all night after Raph put her down she slept from 9:00pm to 6:00am she woke for a bottle that Leo got up and gave her and she dozed back off until 10:00am this gave Leo and Raph a chance to go downstairs and watch some TV before she woke up and needed a change or something.
Donnie walked out of his lab "Leo? What are you doing up? You should be resting you went through 51/2 hours of labour" Leo shrugged "I have a daughter to take care of now Don no time for resting" Donnie gave Raph a look and Raph shrugged with a concerned look on his face. Leo yawned and sat back and snuggled into Raph's arms and fell fast asleep then Raph heard the baby moan on the baby monitor he whispered to Donnie "yo Don, go get her for me will ya I would only Leo is asleep on me" Donnie nodded and ran upstairs to get Akari. Five minutes later Donnie came downstairs clutching tiny little baby Akari in his arms "here ya go Raph" he said handing Raph Akari carefully.
After Raph changed Akari he put her in fresh clothes and fed her he put a blanket over Leo who was asleep on the sofa. He smiled and stroked Leo's head Donnie walked up to Raph "how is she doing?" Raph answered "I have just fed her now and changed her and grandad is coming to see you ain't he? Yeah? Leo was up all night last night Don he has really bad paranoia" Donnie asked "why does he have Paranoia?" Raph replied "he thinks C.A.S.E.Y is gunna take the B.A.B.Y" Donnie looked confused "surely he knows we would never let that happen" Raph just shrugged.
Splinter walked into the lair "Raphael? Can I hold her?" He asked "dad, you don't have to ask just take her from me or her cot if you want to hold her" he said he gave Akari to splinter "poor Leonardo, how is he coping Raphael?" Splinter asked "not good dad he's not sleeping right and he ain't eaten anything all day I'm scared for him" splinter placed his free hand on Raph's shoulder "you and Leonardo are great parents so far my son he will come round he always does" Raph nodded Akari fell asleep in Splinters arms so Splinter gave her to Raph and Raph put her to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2018 ⏰

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