baby- Charles Leclerc

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You were pregnant for already 6 months, which meant you had now a big belly and occasional bad mood.
You were going to have a little girl together with Charles, which also meant having to take care of two.

Charles was going to come home now from the Mexico GP and you were super excited because it had been torture to take care of everything alone.

You heard the door closing and Charles coming upstairs.

-hi, baby- he said as he poked his head on the room

-oh, hi love- you said as he leaned in to kiss you

-how's the other baby going?- he said and you giggled

-fine. She's asleep I think. Tired that yesterday she never stopped kicking-

-oh (Y/N), i'm so sorry. I wish i was here to help you- he said while getting in bed with you

You stayed in silence until Charles said 'she's got my attitude' and you both laugh. That way you stayed asleep on his arms.

The next morning you woke up and stretched your arm trying to reach Charles but he wasn't in bed with you.
You were about to go search for him but your doubt was solved when he came in with a small table with breakfast on it.

-hi, love. I brought you breakfast so you don't have to worry- he said and kissed your cheek

-awww, baby. You're awesome- you said and cupped his cheeks with your hands

-i love you- he said staring at your eyes

-i love you- you answered back

-well, let's enjoy it- you said and started eating

Later, you had to get ready for Max Verstappen's party but you weren't so sure you wanted to go.
Every other driver's girlfriend was skinny, blonde and blue-eyed but you weren't, although you are very pretty but your confidence wasn't at a good point now.

-are you done, babygirl?- he asked and you gave him a half smile because of the name he gave you

-i don't know, Charles. It's just that I'm not sure if i want to go...i am not feeling well physically and emotionally- you said hugging him and feeling better by his familiar scent

-oh, come on, sweetie. You are absolutely beautiful! You are the best girl i have ever met. You are cute, intelligent, creative, hard working and fierce. Not to mention sexy and hot- he said and you laughed

-i mean it, (Y/N). You are the perfect girl and anyone would be lucky to have you. That's why i married you, darling. I love you. I completely live you- he said and you were already crying at his words- now, we don't have to go. We can stay here and do other things, right?- he said and raised your chin so your eyes met

-that's perfect for me- you said and kissed him

-no, you are perfect for me-

Really hope you like it, musicalem21
I enjoyed it because i love Charles, i mean, who doesn't?
Feel free to comment and help me improve ❤

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