"why are you crying?" - Charles Leclerc

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A/N: i can't stand the picture. Charles is just so cute and hot at the same time...
Fluffy and sad OS for Jhawker123
Hope you like it!
Sorry for any grammar or spelling errors.


You went to see your boyfriend Charles and your younger brother, Billy, race at the Mexico Grand Prix.
Billy knew Charles before you did and he didn't want you two to date at first so he was overprotective which was kind of weird being that you are his older sister.

You have been dating him for almost 6 months and it has been the best time you ever had but it was also very worrying. You liked Formula One before, because of your brother but you weren't such a fan; also, the situation changes a lot after you now have 2 creatures to worry about.
Your brother and your boyfriend.
They were both risking their life daily to race.

You were watching the race but you got distracted as you wanted to go the bathroom, probably because of the nerves of it all.
You went to the bathroom and heard screams and loud noises coming from outside so you hurried and came out to hear the sirens of an ambulance and chaos.

-What's going on?- you asked some staff as you started to get worried.

-Ther was a huge crash- he answered

-Who?- you said worriedly

-Number 23 i think- he said and went away to help

You couldn't believe it. Number 23. Your brother. You tried to relax yourself and went to the place were you had said goodbye to him before the race to see if anyone could tell you what happened but, as you were heading there, you saw the crash on the tv and saw the ambulance leaving the track.
The race was cancelled and you ran to his motorhome to protect yourself from the disaster outside.
You got there and saw the sweater he had on this morning. You grabbed it and held it close to your heart while tears appeared on your face.
You had been there for some minutes, crying your heart out, when you heard someone entering.

You felt a pair of strong hands around you. Charles.

-don't cry, baby. Everything will be fine. Doctors are helping him- he said and caressed your face
You didn't reply and just stayed there, feeling a bit better in his arms.

After a while, your phone rang and you heard your mom saying that Billy was okay but they have to amputate his legs. She gave you the address of the hospital and you immediately went there. Charles help you drive because you were still in shock.

You got there and he was already in the operation. You only could think about you not getting to say goodbye.
You continued crying and Charles let you sit on his lap, he told you reassuring words and he hugged you tight until you fell asleep.

You woke up as the doctor told your parents that he was okay and that he had woken up.
You ran trough the halls to meet him there and saw his new figure.

You immediately started crying at the tought of he never racing again.

-Why are you crying?- he said and you looked up at him

-because you won't be able to race anymore- you seed in a whisper

-I will, sis. Don't worry, i'll get some metallic legs and, although it will take time, i'll be okay- he said and you calmed down

-you are my hero- you said and he smiled.


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