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✨"Time decides who you meet in life, your heart decides who you want in your life, and your behavior decides who stays in your life."


Last time I saw Bakugou, it wasn't good.


I was waiting for Midoriya in front of the school. He told me he had to use the restroom, after our teacher congratulated us to going into U.A.

It's been over 10 minutes, how long does it take?
I got worried, so I decided to go and check on him, who cares if it's the boys restroom, he's my best friend!

As I start running towards the entrance of the school, only to hear a familiar voice,

"What did you do to pass the exam?
You must've cheated somehow, RIGHT?

That voice, it belongs to puffer fish who the hell is he picking on now?

I take a peek and see who it is, my eyes widened when I see that crazy green hair.

Midoriya! NO!

I squeezed my fist, ready to pick a fight with this puffer fish! Until I hear Midoriya speak up.

"Kacchan, someone I look up to told me that I can become a hero. That's why I applied. That's why I'm going. LIKE IT OR NOT, YOU CAN'T STOP ME!"

My eyes widened once again. He's standing up for himself, I'm proud of him!
It's silent until I hear footsteps coming closer and closer, I hide. I Don't need Midoriya to see me.

Midoriya walks past me, I sigh in relief, but as walking I trip over a rock. FUCKING ROCK!

Bakugou looks over and sees me laying on the floor, I freeze not able to do anything. We made eye contact. Finally, I get up.

I look him straight in the eye. Finally I speak up to this bitch.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

He looks shocked, I can see his expression change shocked to furious. I can practically see the steam coming from his ears.

"You fucking Bastard. Why the hell do you treat you childhood friend like that? You guys use to be BEST FRIENDS!! He cares about you! And you just yell at him! HE FUCKING SAVED YOUR ASS!!! EITHER YOU LIKED IT OR NOT, YOUR ALIVE BECAUSE OF HIM!!"

He just looks at me, furious. He looks like he's gonna punch the living hell out of me. But,... he didn't. He just stood there. Looking down clenching his teeth and fist.

He looks up, were I could barely see his eyes, but enough were I can see doubt in them. He starts walking toward me. I get myself ready for anything stupid he does. But... he just walked past me. I thought he said something, but I couldn't hear him because of how windy it was today.

I looked behind me, only to see him walking the opposite of where Midoriya went. Wait.....MIDORIYA!!! FUCK! I FORGOT ABOUT THAT! That fucking puffer- no, Bakugou made me forget where I was for a moment.

After that, I walked to where Midoriya was. In front of the school. I told him I forgot something from my class and had to go get it.
I never told him about that day.

-End of flashback-

I had my arms crossed, looking him straight in the eye. I saw his expression change quickly.

I felt so many eyes stabbing daggers at me. I could hear midoriya talking to someone, I looked behind me and see him talking to a girl with short brown hair.

There talking until I hear a familiar voice coming from behind her. I look only to see the one and only,
My father.

"If you're just here to make friends, then you can pack up your stuff now."

Me and Midoriya are both shocked to see him!

Me and Midoriya look at each other from the corner of our eyes.

"Welcome to UA's hero course."

"It took eight seconds before you all shut up. That's not gonna work. Time is precious. Rational students would understand that."

He looks at me, then midoriya. He then looks at the rest of the class to introduce him self.

"Hello, I'm Shota Aizawa. Your teacher."


"Y/n, stop standing there and take your seat."

I look around to see where I can sit.
And of FUCKING COURSE, I have to sit in front of Bakugou.

I hesitate, but sit in front of him. I hear a "Tch" come out of his mouth I try to ignore him as much as I can.

-Time skip to locker room-

I go change into my P.E. uniform, I see that girl and introduce myself.

"Hey! You were the girl talking to midoriya right? The green haired boy?"

"Yeah I am! And who are you?"
She ask me kindly.

"Well my name is Y/n! I'm good friends with midoriya and I thought we could talk since you also seem to talk to Midoriya."

I say this nervously, I didn't have many friends most of my life. Most people just didn't really like me.

"Of course! I wanna make as much friends as possible!"
She gives me a smile that could cure anything.

She walks out and waves to me saying she'll be waiting for me outside.
I smile and nod.

I hurry to the restroom and check my scar, the scar a crazy lady gave me, that crazy lady told me
"You'll never fall in love in an open hand"

At first I really didn't understand, but now I do.

I have to work for love, it's not something given. I'll have to work for it.

It's been hurting like crazy ever sense I got here. Why? Why is it acting up now? WHY NOW?!

I calm myself down, splash water on my face and head out, running hoping I'm not late.

As walking out I see Bakugou. That Bastard.


What does Bakugou want now?

Please, tell me I'm dreaming [Bakugou katsuki X reader]Where stories live. Discover now