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☀️"A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus."☀️
- Martin Luther King, Jr.



I hear someone yelling my name. Who is it? Why is my right arm in so much pain? I feel like I can't speak.

Someone is coming into view, it's...
Mido, and... Katsuki? There the ones yelling my name.

Please be quiet, I'm trying to sleep...

"Y/N!!!! PLEASE!! Y/N!! Y/N!!"

Mido why are you screaming? I'm just trying to go to sleep...


You see Katsuki, you see a tear forming in his eye.




You jump from your bed, You look around, remembering your at Mido's place.

"Uh...Y/n, why did you scream kacchans name?"

You look to see Mido laying on the bed, he looks so concerned, why?

"A-Are you okay?"

"Huh? What do you me-"

You soon realize you're crying, was I crying in my sleep? Why?

"Please Y/n...tell me what's wr-"

You run towards him hugging him. Reminder he's still on his bed.

"I-Izuku, t-the tears w-won't stop..."

"A-Ah! H-Hey! Calm down. It's okay."

I cry into his shoulder, crying. Luckily Inko didn't hear us.


I had that same dream till Monday morning, I walked to school with Midoriya since I slept over at his house.

"Bye Inko!"

"Bye mom!"

"Have a nice day you two!"

You two talk, until you see a specific puffer fish.

"Oh! Hey Katsuki!"

"EH? Oh it's just you Dork. Oh, and deku."

He sounded bitter when he mentioned Mido.

"U-Um... Hey k-Kacchan..."

The atmosphere was tense so I spoke up.

"Hey! Let's all just walk to school together! We're already-"

Please, tell me I'm dreaming [Bakugou katsuki X reader]Where stories live. Discover now