Chapter 8

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~~ next morning~~
~~~sorens pov~~~
i wake up with seeing something in my arm i grab it pulling it out quickly as a blonde boy comes into my area i tackle him hold him in a head locke asking" who are you and why am i here?" He says " Soren your at camp half blood calm down" i hold my grip until the boy goes unconscious i move to another room where i find a group of people sitting beside someone i walk in silently i see how it is jade i unknowingly turn into my wolf form walk beside her bed .

~~~ artemis's pov ~~~
I am sitting beside my friend jade and i see a wolf come in and nudges her hand whining he hopes onto the  putting his ear to her chest before hopping off he licks her cheek and nudges her cheek, that is sight breaks my heart to see a creature so loyal losing the one who cared for it. I see hop off the bed and go to the window seal and turn into a human figure on its knees the person punches the ground yelling before standing turning to me saying" milady will she reawaken at any point?" I see it is soren and his eyes show nothing at all i say" soren she may awaken but it is not certain... you should accept she wont return from this." He steps back saying" no no no no YOUR WRONG SHE WILL RETURN TO ME ... she promised me she always would." He gets up putting on a mask only showing his eyes and he leave saying" i will get the one thing that will save her, i will take the fleece and use it on her" i am shocked saying" you would endanger all of us even the hunt to save her? Soren she wouldn't want this!" He turns fast saying" you have no right to say that you have never loved anyone besides your hunt every man you killed or chop his dick off... you do not know what love is artemis ." I am shocked and hurt by his words he walks out of the cabin walking past Dionysus he says" Soren she is right she wouldn't want you to risk all of these people... besides Chiron knows you would go after the fleece he has half-bloods as well as the hunters guarding it." Soren retorts" if they get in my way they will have some worse to fear than any monster." I hear him use fire flash step and i run out of the room and the big house after him i see him walking slowly towards Thalia's tree Thalia steps in front of him saying" Soren you will have to get through the hunters and the campers to get the fleece not to mention a mechanical dragon so please calm down and be patient she may come back from her injuries you never know." His body envelopes in flames as he says coldly" you forget i saved your brother from kronos and i spared him and i made it where he couldn't be possessed again you know even let your brother fall into the crutches of kronos. I am willing to do what ever it takes to get her back even if i have to fight past you. " she is shocked by his words and he calms down when another guardian appears with Hestia who says" Soren my son listen to me and do as i say."she says these things firmly and he listens " i know what she means to you, but sometimes you have to calm down and be patient she at this very moment is healing from her coma it will only be a matter of time before she wakes up but you must not do what you are about to do because it will cause the hunters and the campers to hate you and see you like all of your fallen siblings as nothing more than monsters... i know you mean well but it is alright just wait and be patient." Soren falls to his knees head low he grabs the grass causing them to smoldering into ash. I walk up about to comfort him but hestia grabs my wrist shaking her head whispering " let him be he will be alright he just needs some time" i nod and ask him using my kindest voice" soren come back with me to her room and lets just talk and relax for a bit... you were right i never really learned how to love or care about anyone in the way you and jade do but if you ever need someone to talk to i am here for you."soren nods thanking me before i see  20 darts hit his body and he tries to stand but he falls back i catch as he falls asleep i yell at the halfbloods" how dare you he was calm he wasnt going to take the fleece now you have ruined any chance at him trusting us!" I clench my fist but then hestia says firmly" you do not know what he has been through and what danger you have just brought upon yourselves he isnt one to mess with." She kneels beside me saying" he will turn into his wolf form or his small dragon form so take him back to your camp and keep him by your side and pet him keep him calm and wait for me to get there i am going to talk with Chiron." Just as she said he would he turned into his wolf form i picked him up and turned to Thalia saying" gather the hunters and tell them to return to our base camp." She nods and runs to tell them i teleport Soren and myself to my tent i lay him on my bed letting him rest.
~~~to be continued~~~

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