Chapter 13

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~~~ 4:00 am ~~~
~~ artemis POV ~~

I have been driving since we left and i used some of my magic get the van to move fast over any terrain and i hear a yawn befor i feel something hop up onto my lap and sit down then turning into a little boy i smile saying" soren why are you up so early?" He says" because i couldnt fall back asleep and. Wanted to have someone to be with for a while... can i ask you something?" I smile nodding and he continues" why did you take me in? I know who you are and what your hunt believes in so why take me in a male who isnt even human... i am a monster " he looks down at his scales i sigh saying" because out of all the males i have known you have the most kind and pure heart and just because you may look different from humans doenst mean you dont have the most humanity." He looks up at me a tears flowing and suddenly i get hugged hearing the yound soren crying saying" thank you thank you so much!." This waking most everyone up i just pat his head humming softly a lullaby and soon enough he is asleep again in my arms this time. Thalia moves to the front seat saying" i can tell he likes you alot... when he is fully grown again what will happen between you two?" I look at her confused as she says" when he and jade would be lovey dovie i noticed you constantly watching them... if you have a secret desire to find someone worthy of you please do so... we as your hunt want you to be happy." I look down saying" but my oath thalia i cant do that your oaths say you mustnt live a life with men exept for soren but mine says i must remain alone. " thalia smirks saying" you gods alway think you know everything but guess what it never stated you cant have a lover and not have intercourse. It just states you must remain a eternal maiden so?" I nod saying" we will see how he grows and if he grows to love me... also all of the gaurdians now hardly know him they asked chaos to remove him frome there memories but keep him there as like a kid who was alone and never hung out with others. So jade and the rest hardly know him." She looks surprised but before she can say anything i continue" they didnt want to see there leader in such a state and jade knew they were done that he had forgotten what they had." Thalia says " then we will make him the best he can be the kindest and most loyal creature and the most loving... but what about hestia?" I smile slightly" that was one thing that he remembers that she is his adoptive mother and she loves him and always have his back." Thalia smiles at that and appears to notice something saying" has he alway had wolf ears?" I look down and sure enough there are wolf ears on him i shake my head chuckling internally hoping they stay there.
~~~ 5 years of travel and hunting later
We stop for a break staying out of sight of mortals and i see sorens a bit on edge so i give him his space he turns into dragon born forn turning swiftly as a massive pack of wolves comes out of the woods all had black fur and red eyes, soren stands there growling as he turns into a mix between a dragon and a wolf but it is just slightly bigger than one of the wolves he stands in front of the hunt protectively the wolves all charge soren swipes with his tail but some bite into him making him howl in pain before he grabs one of the wolve crushing its wind pipe i see marking coming from his back and his form takes more of a demonic aspect he roars and the wolve back away but he grabs a couple that pass him crushing them just the same i notice him collapsing grabbing his head yelling as 2 pitch black tails apearing and his body looks like it is burning and he turns to us half his face swollowed by what ever is causing the tails to form he says" ARTY HELP ME PLEASE I DONT WANT TO LEAVE YOU HELP ME PLEASE!!" And then the other side is taken over a dark voice chuckles saying" finally a sutable host for me to use... oh look who it is it is the bitch who killed me and sealed me withing that cursed vase!!" I just realized who it was i say" pidge let soren go now or i will make you." I draw my bow selecting a specific arrow i had saved for this day i try to communicate with my guardian through the mark he has on his shoulder. In my mind i say" soren i know your scared just focus on my voice try to give me an opening to free you from this evil please just trust me." Soren responds " arty please save me i want to stay with you and the hunters i dont wanna be swollowed by it!i-i am scared!" I say softly using my aura to calm him as i say" you will be soon and i will give all the love and care i can muster" i notice sorens true face showing as the tails destroy near by trees and rocks catching them on fire with the black flames. Soren says" i will not leave them they are my family and i love my family" i let my arrow fly hitting his chest the arrow phases trough sorens body and i see the black aura being taken with the arrow as it flies out sorens other side. I quickly catch soren who has burns all over him i grab the arrow and soren running out of the woods with the hunters calling upon my brother soon he apears to many grumble from the hunters i hand him the arrow saying "take this to your palace and keep it out of read of any darknessit is him that is pidge." Apollo nods and leaves and soren grabs onto my shirt crying scared and just hanging onto me saying"arty! Where are you i cant see you!" I look down seeing that the burns caused his eyes to be covered in blood and his whole body covered with burns i hold him" i am here just listen to my voice, remember what i said? I promised you i would give you as much love as i can muster to you so just hang on just a bit longer" i turn yelling at thalia" GET TYE APOLLO SISTERS NOW I NEED THERE HELP NOW!!" And soon they come running seeing soren concerned asking" what happened i thought he couldn't be burned..." i interrupt saying" he was possesed by a being who his aura is black eternal flames that can burn anything." They nod and one uses there aura to heal his burn while the other uses a cloth to try and clear his eyes of blood. Aphrodite speaks to me in my head saying" so artemis is it true you love soren?" I say back" your lucky i cant shoot you with an arrow at you and I am to concerned aboutbsoren!, but i don't know yet maybe." I hear her squeal and i cut the connection the sisters say" we can't heal him these burns are beyond us we have to see our father to get him to heal soren we are sorry." I mentally curse saying" please call him here please i need to be beside soren until he is relaxed enough for me to leave" they nod and go off to pray to him. I pick up soren summoning my tent to be placed and i pick up soren carrying him to a tub filling it with cool water while i hum to keep him calm.~~~to be continued~~~

the Gaurdian of artemis' s Hunt(artemis x soren lichen)Where stories live. Discover now