Chapter 14

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~~~from where we last left off~~~
Apollo appears kneeling saying"artemis you know that his aura alone will turn any mortal to ash within contact of his aura and if they survive it will take all of the gods to put there aura on him to purify him and you know zeus hates soren and would rather see him dead but if you want to try then lets go." I nod saying" hunters grab onto me and each other we are going to olympus and pease all of you pray for soren to you respected godly parent so he can be healed... soren needs our help." They all nod and thalia grabs onto m,y shirt and the rest grab onto her i teleport us to mount olympus into the council chamber most everyone has already gathered there hestia runs to my side saying" what happened! He shouldnt have been burn or at the very least not this bad i say sadly" pidge has returned for me and he found soren to be a suitable host and pidge's aura did this..." i look at evereyone saying" please do me this one favor!! Please help me save him from this!" Everyone looks at me nodding but zeus stands cold face saying" no i will not i still believe firmly that he is a threat to us all." I grit my teeth and stad apollo has to hold me back i yell" zeus you bastard, you are a coward you fear the one man who you cant control and in spite of that he doesn't use his power for evil he is a kind man who is more deserving of godhood than you!!" Everyone is shocked at what i said. Zeus stands his bolt charging and i prepare to get hit by the lightning bolt i hear the crash of the bolt and i look down seeing soren standing up infront of me he turns before coughing up blood hestia catches him saying" soren momma's here...ZEUS YOU WILL HELP HIM OR I SWEAR TO CHAOS I WILL MAKE YOU LIFE A LIVING HELL!"  The fire around the room grows and then thalia steps forward saying" father you owe him this much he has saved my life many times and this is the one time you have to save him and he most likely will remember this moment and try to repay you." Zeus looks at soren grumbling saying" fine but only because he has saved my children." All of the gods including myself i notice that all of the hunters have there hands on my shoulders and i can feel them putting there own aura in me i see soren's burn healing and he stirs he is asleep but he is having a nightmare and i hold him close he begins to calm down but his eyes open they are pitch black pidge's voice saying as he grabs my throat" i will have you as my wife and i will destroy all who stand in my way! " and after that i see a silver dragon eye and soren's voice says" i will not let you hurt her she means more than you know now get out of my body now!!!" I see a silver light overwelms soren's body and  then soren lays back down i feel his body grow slightly i look down seeing soren smiling childishly before saying" ugh i am tired need rest." Before changing into his dragon for to mosts amazement he curls around my his tail by his face which is on my lap as i pet his ears, i am still surprised it has been years since he had his mind regression and he is back to his old self with minor differences like how the hunter treat him like there brother. I wake him up and he doesnt look happy about it but i say" thank you all of you for what you have done here but we must return to our camp." Everone nod and the council goes there own ways but before i can go athena walks up to me saying" artemis we should talk before you go." I nod saying" what is it you wish to speak to me about?" She sighs as aphordite says" arty we both know soren likes you romantically and i know you do as well, why don't you tell him?" I grit my teeth saying" i may love him like that but i am a maiden goddess it cant workout." Athena and aphordite chuckle saying" alright choas please help us out please." And sure enough chaos appears saying" artemis the rule states you must remain an eternal maiden yes but that only applies to intercourse that is why i made it this way i knew eventually you would find someone who will love you and will only want to be there for you and be your shield... and also little tip that mark on his shoulder isnt from being your gaurdian it is from his heritage..." i am about to ask but all three are gone i yell" what is that supposed to mean!!" I turn lookiung for them thalia says" they are gone miladys... and i heard every word so you love soren eh?" I blush and respond" you will tell no one until i say you can- or you will be cleaning the toilets for a year with a toothbrush." She holds her hands up saying"i wont say a thing." We all teleport back to the camp and i take soren into my tent laying him on his bed which is down the hall and to my right i had hephestus make an addition to my tent for soren while we were working through his child regression. I lay down and begin to sleep ~~~to be continued~~~
~~authors note~~
Hello readers if you were here for my original version i decided to restart the story because i felt i could do better and i hope i have thank you all for reading my story
Swade64 out

the Gaurdian of artemis' s Hunt(artemis x soren lichen)Where stories live. Discover now