Chapter 15

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~~~ 2 weeks later~~~
~~soren's pov~~
I wake up groaning slightly feeling soar all over as i sit up looking around seeing that i am in my bed and i see a iv pouch next to my bed connecting to my arm i remove it and slowly and on weak legs i walk out of the tent i block the sun from shining in my eyes as i smell food and my stomach growls and i sigh moving towards the scent. As i walk through the camp some hunter stare but i continue to walk. i walk into the kitchen before falling to my knee coughing blood as thalia  thalia and sophia to come to me from the kitchen thalia yells" soren what the hades do you think your doing! You should be resting!! At the very least you need to eat come and sit with us and eat some food... you idiot!." They practically are carrying me and they set me beside artemis she turns sighing before saying" look who we have here its soren. Where was he thalia?" She chuckles saying" he was in the kitchen about to do something." Artemis turns to me glaring asking" is that true soren?" I looks away biting my inner cheek saying softly barely hearable" yes i knew that the dishes needed to be done." She grabs my chin forcing me to face her and i try not to blush but fail as she says" hmm what was that couldnt hear you?"  I repeat my self this time saying it audible this time." Yes i knew that the dishes needed to be done." She chuckles saying" my my your blushing is there something wrong with you" puts her face closer to mine and i blush harder trying to back away but she has a firm grip on my shoulders and Thalia's knee is in my back adn she is chuckling i smirk as i say" no i am fine milady just surprised that when i first wake up from a 2 week coma i get inches away from the most beautiful goddess i have ever met. " this causes her to back away and hide her face and i see her blushing i lean in close asking" milady are you alright?" And i reach taking her hand into my own holding her close putting my hand on her forehead saying" your not warm to the touch then why are your cheeks red?" I then feel someone softly kick me and i lose my balance falling onto Artemis and she falls on her back and when i open my eyes i see her beautiful silver eyes and i feel something on my lips and i realize what it is and i quickly get up blushing saying" i am so sorry Artemis i didnt mean to kiss you please forgive me!!!" She gets up blushing and saying" you will be spared of this one time... but i will admit it felt good to have my first kiss. I am glad it was you not another male." I blush harder quickly turning as she says" soren you need to eat and stay relaxed for now so please go back to the tent and i will bring you your food soon." I nod and with help from thalia who i ask once we are out of the eating area" you pushed me into her. You knew we would kiss." She smirks nodding saying" yep i did that purposely... you know she like you and chaos made her vow that she must remain a eternal maiden as you know but she made it so lady artemis can find someone who loves her and wont be tempted to betray her trust... also chaos told artemis that your shoulder mark isnt a gaurdian thing it is about your dragons heritage but she didnt explain further." I nod saying" well lets go and do as artemis ordered us to go." And with that i go into her tent and i sit at the table.
~~~artemis's pov~~~
I see the camp fire burst up in flames and a young man walks through i says " hello phoenix thank you for coming i would like to ask you a couple of questions and i want you to tell me the truth i dont care if it is sensative info i have the approval of chaos herself for you to tell me whatever you know." He nods and says" what would you like to know milady?" I gesture for him to sit and he does so and i ask" do you know soren lichen, my gaurdian to be exact." He nods saying" i do know him he is the adopted son of hestia, and i know most about soren second only by her." I nod and ask" what do you know of his people and there customs?" He sigh saying" i know much of there cultture and there habits  from going to the place they lived and searching the ruins and finding much info on them for lady hestia when soren was very young." I nod and continue to ask" what do you know on there marriage costoms or how they choose the one they stay with?" He looks surprised and he says" why do you ask milady i would like to know." I nod saying" i personally dont want him to suddenly go running off with someone when the day comes and if causes me to my best hunter." He nods and says"  ah i see... well his species has a unique way of marriage or as they put it their mate, they only have one until they die. But to find their mate it happens in the moment the first see the one who is to be their mate they have what to them feels like average human lifespan and in this to us is like a single second but with it they feel this attachment to this person causing them to be a brother and protector and most of the time it ends up as a lover... but most dragons or dragon born they get paired with humans and with that the human dies before them and with it so does the dragon in a way they are filled with more grief and sadness and pain and the become cold and they almost all of the time become drakons... it is sad... also to tell if the dragon has been paired with someone is by a mark it should have a symbol of both partys and it looks like a tattoo or if you notice him being very defensive towards anyone and follows a person and he glares at other males or females like he is telling them back off then thats another ways. And if the person is also slowly gains the same feelings for the dragon... and in some cases they gain a connection via the mark and the human or other party may get a marking from the dragon biting or giving a hickey to the person they in general it should look like the dragons exept smaller and easier to conceal. That is all i know for now i will continue to look into it if you want?" I nod saying" please do and do it discretely please send in sophia and the Apollo twins please?" He nods and walks out i see Soren doing upside down sit ups in a tree and Phoenix walks past saying" a freak of nature doesn't deserve to be the her gaurdian." Causing soren to grit his teeth but continues to do his sit ups and he flips off of the  tree and putting pheonix in a headlock saying " you forget i am the son of your master i could do what ever i wanted to you and i wouldn't be harmed, and i am the leader of the gaurdians you forget your place. And your power is halfbaked." Soren lets him go and pheonix go on to gather thos who i asked him to gather. ~~~to be continue~~~

the Gaurdian of artemis' s Hunt(artemis x soren lichen)Where stories live. Discover now