Chapter 10

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~~The next day~~
~~~Soren's pov~~~
I wake up sitting up suddenly my body begins to feel weak and before i can get a chance to get up i get enveloped and many hugs from many people at first i push them off falling out of the bed growling up at the three then i realize that the people aren't attackers but my friends one being Artemis which is surprising and i turn back into my wolf form and hop back on the bed where jade is she smiles at me and pats my head and sophia says" well you and jade are perfectly fine but because of your desire to heal jade you may have caused some in the hunt and in the camp to fear you or want you to leave and some want to kill you, but those are mainly the campers." I look down ashamed then Artemis outs her hand on my shoulder softly smiling as she says"Soren we know you were doing in the name of protecting the one you love and we wont hold that against you we will have your back." I am. Touched by there words and i can't help but cry hugging Artemis saying" thank you so much Artemis " she pushes me off of her after maybe 5 seconds saying" Soren get some rest and stay with jade she has been worried about you." I sigh saying" no i need to get my chores done i am already behind schedule as is" before i can finish Artemis karate chops the top of my head and i wince as she says" i order you to stay here and rest and be with jade." I sigh saying" it shall be done." With that i snuggle close to jade who pets me and i try to keep from purring but i fail and i begin to purr as most of the hunt come in most have worried expressions at first then they all say " awww" thalia walks up zapping my fur making it poof up i say" the hades Thalia why you do dis." she laughs saying" because it is halarious to see you all puffed up like a pufferfish!!" I cant help but smile saying" your lucky i am getting snuggles and pets or i would give you a nuggy." Everyone laughs and without knowing it though i warm up my body making jade sleepy and she falls asleep and soon after i do as well fall asleep.
~~~artemis's pov~~~
I notice soren turn back into his human form and he snuggles close to jade he wraps his arm around her and they begin to sleep i stand saying softly" alright lets let them rest. Thalia, sophia, come with me chiron want to deside what to do about soren... we are his only hope of him staying here unless zeus or any of the other gods tell chiron to allow soren to stay but soren then would have to earn the campers trust again." They nod and we walkout and go into the big house everyone turns top us and i see that the male councilors staring at thalia and myself my mood sours even more i say" boy stop staring or i will make you dickless and i will remove your eyes so you cant look at me or any woman again" chiron clears his throat saying" lady artemis please take a seat we need to decide what to do about soren and how to reprimand him for his actions." With that a girl kicks a door down saying" he shouldnt be punished at all  because he stoped kronos and his army from attacking the camp." I turn to see claresse she continues" not to mention how many halfb-bloods he has saved and brought here and he never asked for anything in return. We owe him and we should repay him i owe him my life because of him i am here same as 25 % of the camp have been brought here by him yes he was willing to fight the campers and the hunters because he wanted to save his love. Percy you dove after annebeth when she fell into Tartarus so why is this any different?" Percy nods saying" while you are correct the reason behind his actions are noble and just it put the camp in danger, but he also saved the camp from Kronos himself and he saved jason from kronos's control much like he did with luke, but soren had annebeth do it. I for once agree with claresse  i would do anything to save annebeth unless it put the world at risk, but he is a loose cannon. I vote he has to stay outside the barrier for 3 month, but he can come into the camp to eat and to do his chores for artemis and capture the flag." I hear the  sound of claws scratching into wood i notice a shadow of a tail walk away as i hear wing flap i stand saying" he heard you Perseus and i dont know how he will respond but i am telling you this now he is staying within the barrier and thats final." He looks me in the eyes saying" fine but how will we reprimand him?" Chiron says" we dont i say we leave it to artemis to punish soren for his actions." Everyone nods in agreement.
~~that night~~
We are at bonfire as soren walks up and a some of campers throw there trash at him yelling" get out monster!!" Soren doesnt do anything but i see his eyes and i just see pain as a tall buff boy comes up to him and punches him soren takes the hit as the boy continues to punch him, soren rolls out of the ways as the hunters stand bows drawn soren holds his arm up saying" no this is my fight you have no reason to intervene." Soren continues to take the beating i realize something. Soren isnt fighting back he is trying to earn there trust. I see claresse walk up punching the boy yelling" YOU CALL YOURSELF A CHILD OF ARES YOU ARENT ACTING LIKE IT LOOK AT SOREN HE ISNT FIGHTING BACK ARE YOU THAT DENSE TO NOT REALISE HE IS DOING THIS TO TRY TO RECOMPENSE FOR WHAT HE DID!"  Everone looks down at soren to see his broken mask and a swolen face and we see many scars, soren gets up and walks away limping and breathing heavily to me bowing saying."milady is there anything you would like me to get for you?" I smack him lightly responding" soren go be with jade and try to heal yourself... i will take care of the ones who have wronged you." I stand walk to the male who punched soren and i raise my dagger bringing it down when i see something step in its path and i feel it penetrate something something wrap around my hand i see sorens hand with the dagger through it and he is grabbing my fist his other arm is supporting him. He says" no he may have wronged me but it doesnt make it right to kill him or hurt him for that he is only a mortal his kind only have limited lifespans unlike me milady i have taken beatings before and i always will for you are my charge i will always protect you." He lets my hand go removing the knife smiling handing it back to me walking to the bon fire dropping some food into the fire he sits on his knees and he he prays then a light shines on him and he stands healed and go sits beside jade and i notice that his scales arent on and he looks human and a handsome on at that. I glare at the boy who i nearly killed and take my seat as does most of the hunters Soren sits eating quietly. I hear some of the campers talking about him some saying" he is a good man he saved us all and me personally when he brought me to camp half-blood." Some saying rumors" it is said that he killed the god of dragon because he is greedy do not trust him." I look at soren who clenches his fist before walking away towards the beach alone.~~~ to be continued~~~

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