chapter 16

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~~~artemis pov~~~
Sophia and the apollo twins walk in saying" you summoned us?" I nod turning to pheonix saying" you can return to your mistress." He nods and flame travels away as i turn back to the three girls saying" i am trusting you with this and i want what happens here to stay between us. Also get thalia in here with us." And with that sophia is off.
~~ 1 minute later~~
Sophia and Thalia both come into the tent shitting the flaps and sealing it so no one can interuped i say" thalia as you and everyone here know my vow to remain an eternal maiden means i can not have intercourse but chaos has told me that i have been destined to find someone who loves me and would never do anything to betray me. And so i asked pheonix to come because he know the most about sorens people and he told me of how they find there 'mates' and i believe soren has found his mate but is wanting her to accept him as such... he has all the signs showing he has found his mate." Sophia asks" and what sre these signs?" I nod saying" if he has. Found his mate he will have a combined symbol of his mates and his own... and his shoulder mark is the symbol i am talking about and he is very affectionate towards his mate and do anything for them and also his mate would have a symbol like his own but smaller and easily mistaken for a birthmark. So i am asking you to help me see if i have one of these symbols on my body... would you four be willing to help me?" Thalia smirks giving a thumbs up the twins nod saying" we are the hunters medics and with that we have memorized every hunters birthmarks and all of there scars and of course we would be honored to help you." Sophia sighs saying" yes i will help you milady" i smile lightly and the twins take control" alright lady artemis we will need you to remove all outer clothing exept for your bra and underwear." I nod and do as i am instructed remove my shirt and and i say" whats a bra again? We didnt ever have them until we moved to the americas and i never used em." They both nod sighing handing me a piece of clothing and helping me in it and i say" how can you wear these they are so uncomfortable" the girls laugh saying" well we have had a lifetime to get used to them." I roll my eyes and remove my pants and with that the twins get to work
~~ 15 minutes later~~
the girls ask me " have you had a birth mark in the shape of a moon with a dragon wrapped all around it on your shoulder." I shake my head and they poke the mark and it felt sensative and we hear from outside the temt the sound of wood falling onto the eat and soren say" shit son of a gun why now of all times!!" Then we hear him ask a hunter " have you seen lady artemis recently?" She says" no i havent soren if i find her i will let you know." He says" thank let her know i will be by the campfire." And with that they walk away from each other i say" that bastard marked me!!" I am about to leave but i am stopped by thalia who gestures look down and i realise i am still undressed and i quickly get re dressed removing the bra.
I put some wood on the fire i then hear " soren lichen!!!! " and i freeze and stand completely still as the apolo twin walk past me they say in unison" you is a dead man walkin." I gulp as artemis followed by sophia and thalia come up to me both grabbing one of my ears i wince as i get dragged turning to thalia mouthing" help me!! Please" she just shakes her head saying" sorry bud you did this to yourself." I get tossed into artemis's tent and  she shuts the doors once both thalia and sophia are in here and thalia and sophia push me into a chair and hold he down as artemis walks up leaning down and show she is pissed. She pushes her forearm at my throat causing the seat i am in to lean back saying" your going  to explain something to me what is this!!!" She pulls her shirt neck to the side revealing a mark looking like my own and i realize thats what she is talking about i and i know if she knew what i did i would be killed" it is just a mark connecting a charge and their guardian nothing more.!" She leans closer and puts a knife in a not so nice place saying" soren i order you as your charge to tell me the truth!" I try to not speak but the gaurdian rules cause my body intense pain and i say" i-i have found my mate and it i-is y-you but when i was young, one of the nights you held me in your arms while you slept i had an overwelming urge to lightly bite your shoulder and as such meaning i had claimed you in a way that i would always be there for you" i stop and i am still in pain sophia says" soren just say what your with holding and the pain will stop!!" I grit my teeth saying" i cant i know it would never work between us she cant have a mate she is a maiden goddess i am just a gaurdian who loves his charge "
~~~artemis pov~~~
I lean down kissing his cheek as i remove my arm from his throat " thank you for everything soren and guess what." He looks at me in the eyes shocked saying" w-what?" I have both sophia and thalia let him go and i hug him whispering" i love you to, and i am allowed to have a lover but we must not have intercourse... that is how chaos made my vow so eventually i could learn how to love." He hugs me back saying" i am sorry i didn't tell you before i didnt want to lose you because of what i did." I sigh standing releasing soren saying to thalia and sophia " would you mind giving us a minute?" They both nod and walk out. I help soren up saying" soren is there anything else that you know that could cause harm to me or the hunt and or the camp halfblood campers? " he sighs saying" one more thing at one point during this year i will go through something called mating season and it is when i am most like my people and i have more of a sexual desire and i will continue to do so until i die or until i have intercourse with my mate but thats out of the question. It lasts about a week or two at most and with it i become very easily pissed and it will be hard to control me i could even hurt you in the first stages because i at those moments i will shed my old scales then after that i should be calmer but it brings out my desire to mate so i am asking you now please lock me up temperarally in this special cage made by hephestus it will contain me." I am surprised by him handing me a small box he points to a button saying" this is to activate the container and you also will be affected slightly to have intercourse and you will have moodswing and you will gain suddle scales and they will fall off after my elemental types mating season is over which is on new years or Around that time. And no matter what i say or beg do not let me out of that container or i could kill many including your hunters which would count as me betraying you by the gaurdians creed so you will have to hunt me down and put me down do you want that to happen to me?" I take the box hugging him saying" i would never want that." He hugs me back saying" hey um artemis can i call you arty?" I smile remembering when he was younger how he called me that i nod before kissing him once again. He is surprised by the sudden movement and we fall on to the bed when he holds me close saying" we should go back out before the hunters begin to think the worst." I nod and help him up and we walk out of the tent and all of the hunters are standing outside some have there arms crossed scowling at me, most are smiling and looking at us expectantly i sigh saying" so soren it appears they were listening in on us what should we do?" I didnt realize his is in his wolf form as he walks infront of me i see him turn into his human form and he leans me back kissing me causing some to cheer and some to gasp and i hear 5 twangs of bow strings and soren pushes me away and i hear 5 distinct thuds of arrows making contact with flesh and i see soren kneeling with a chest full of arrow on his side i see a gash and he falls to his knee and some of the much older hunter walk up and one says" you dare touch our mistress and you will die." Soren stands saying" you dare to shoot at you mistress look at her she was injured because one of you was a hair off and it ricocheted and hit her." He turn kneeling holds his hand out i grab it and he mouths" 3 2 1" and i feel the arrow get pulled out and he immediately uses a special item from his people to heal my wound standing again his scales activating, his claws grow the arrows remain in him and he snaps then saying" shoot at me as much as you want hit me cut me put me through hell i dont care but you never do it when she has any chance to get hurt i will shatter your bones and then i will heal you so you can still be of use to her as i will show now." He grab the one that spoke by the throat his body growing horns he growls his mouth turning more  like a a beast and his eyes glow red the five are parayzed by fear and i yell" stand down now soren now!!" And i stand in front of him hugging him saying" soren please let them go they only want  to protect me and i know they hurt me but leave the punishment to me. Alright my love?" Soren calms down and lets he go saying" your right arty but next time can i choose the punishment? Oh we should make a punishment wheel and that would be fun!!" I sigh saying" maybe but for now i have the perfect punishment for these 5 indaviduals."  I smirk evilly saying" but before they do there punishments we are going back to camp half-blood and they will do their punishments there." And with that we pack up and we get in the vans and start our journey
~~~to be continued~~~

the Gaurdian of artemis' s Hunt(artemis x soren lichen)Where stories live. Discover now