19. Losing Them Both

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Guys, I'm so sorry that this took so long. 

I really enjoyed writing this chapter, so I hope you like it.

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Day 12


It was the beach. Tony loved the beach, but something was off. There was something about the water that made it look... wrong somehow. It was dark - too dark. Tony dipped his hand into it and his fingers came back sticky. And red.

Then he realized what it was. It wasn't water, it was blood.

"What...?" he began to panic. He tried to get it off of his hand, but it clung to his fingers. It wouldn't go away!

There was a dark laugh from somewhere. "What's the matter, Tony?"

"You," Tony gasped. "Steve, listen-" He was cut off by another laugh.

"Listen? To you? I don't think so, Stark. I'm pretty sure you've lost your right to tell me to listen. How about you listen to me, okay?"

Steve came into view. He wore a uniform almost exactly like the one he had as an Avenger, but the colors were all wrong. Instead of bright patriotic blues and whites, his suit was tinted a dingy grey and red, and his shield was emblazoned with an angry red skull. Tony observed him silently, horror rising in his chest.

"Oh, wait," the soldier said, feigning surprise, "you're actually going to listen? I'm surprised. You never have before. Is it because of this?" he motioned to the Hydra symbol on his shield. "Does Hydra make you nervous? Why should it? I defeated Hydra." The former captain came forward, standing toe to toe with the shaken billionaire. "If I can do that, surely you can too. After all, everything special about me came out of a bottle."

Tony took a step back. "N-no, I never wanted any of this."

"It's a little late for that Stark," Steve said, approaching him again.

"I'm sorry-" he tried again, retreating even farther away from the soldier.

"No, you're not." Steve's approach was relentless. "Don't lie to yourself. Everyone knows you did it on purpose. You've hated me since the day you met me."

"No-" Tony felt his foot dip into something and looked behind him, finding himself right on the edge of the shore. He locked eyes with his friend, who had stopped advancing mere inches from him. There was a beat of silence, and all Tony could hear was his own panicked breathing.

"Goodbye Tony," Steve said, and he pushed Stark into the ocean of blood. "Hail Hydra."

Tony felt the liquid close around him. He tried to move, to keep his head up, but the blood pulled him down. He couldn't breathe. He was suffocating, drowning in blood. He was dying. So much blood. It covered his face. Red everywhere. It filled his lungs. He kept struggling, but he couldn't breathe.

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