Cheater - Nochelle

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Richelle's P.O.V

I can't believe it. I can't believe he cheated on me. I thought we would be together forever but I guess not. It was all a lie. All of our hugs and kisses and the "I love you's" it was all a big fat lie. I thought he loved me but I guess I was wrong. He doesn't love me. He didn't love me. He never loved me.

I'm just sitting in my room, lying on my bed with tears rolling down my cheeks with empty boxes of tissues all over my room. I'm going through my phone just looking at all the memories we made and pictures we took before I delete them all. I have to forget about him. I have to move on.

Elliot's P.O.V

Yeah, I cheated on her. I used to love her but not anymore. I know it'll take her a while to get over me because I'm so perfect but she doesn't have a choice. She has to get over me. If she doesn't then that's too bad for her.

Richelle's P.O.V

I can't do this anymore. I can't live here. I'm moving to Canada. I'm 20 years old so I can move if I would like to. I don't have anything left here. My family hates me and I have no friends so leaving will be easy for me. I won't miss L.A at all. I book a flight to Toronto, Canada for next week and start packing right away.

On the plane

I take my seat on the plane and look out the window while patiently waiting for the flight to start. I notice someone sit beside me. I hope it's no one annoying. I look at the boy. He looks about my age and looks reeeeaaaallly hot. And he has a LOT of muscles.

Noah's P.O.V

I get on the plane and take my seat. I look at the girl sitting beside me and she's absolutely gorgeous. I decided to introduce myself.

"Hi. I'm Noah."

"I'm Richelle." She replies. Richelle. What a beautiful name. We just keep talking and talking and she tells me how her boyfriend cheated on her so her best option was to move because she has no friends and her family didn't like her. I was shocked when she told me this. I mean look at her. She's beautiful. She's perfect.

Richelle's P.O.V

The boy introduces himself. We just keep talking and talking and I find out that he is also moving to Toronto and that we actually live very close to each other. I tell him all about Elliot and why I'm moving. I find it very easy to talk to him. I just have a feeling that I can trust him.

No ones P.O.V
One thing led to another and five years later they are both living together as a happy engaged couple. That's right. Noah proposed to her last month after being friends for a year, then as a couple for 4 years until a month ago when he proposed to her.

Richelle's P.O.V 

Moving to Canada was the best decision of my life. I can't imagine how I got through everything before moving here, but somehow I did. I love what my life has become these past couple of years. I have a fiance that I love and who loves me back and I made some pretty great friends too.

Noah's P.O.V

These past five years went by in a flash with Richelle by my side. Time just seems to go by super fast when I'm with her. When I proposed to her last month and she excepted, I was over the moon! I can't wait to see what comes next in our lives and I'm so excited to spend the rest of my life with her.

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