How We Met - Nochelle

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Noah and Richelle are seventeen years old right now. They have been best friends ever since they were seven years old. That's ten years they've been best friends for and those ten years went by in a flash. To be honest, how they met was pretty cute.

Flashback to how they met

It was the first day of a new school year and Noah was extremely nervous. He was going to a new school and all he could think about was the other kids and how they would probably pick on him. But no. That's not exactly what happened.

Noah walked nervously into class, not making eye contact with anyone and sat down at an empty desk. The morning went by pretty fast for him because he wasn't so nervous anymore. Mostly because he had already made a whole group of friends. He was so relieved about no one bullying him.

Then came lunch time. He sat down at a table with his friends in the cafeteria. While he was eating his lunch, he couldn't help but notice this girl who was eating her lunch all by herself, looking a bit sad. She had beautiful, long, blonde hair and sparkling green eyes. Noah thought to himself, 'I thought eyes sparkle when you're happy, but this girl doesn't look happy at all?' He then figured it out. She had tears in her eyes and was about to cry.

Noah felt bad for this girl so he asked his friends, "Can we invite that girl to come sit with us, she looks a bit sad?"

"Who?" Asked one of his friends.

He pointed to the girl sitting alone, who was on the verge of tears.

"No way! No one likes her, she's a freak who has no friends."

"That's mean. You shouldn't say that about someone."

"Oh yeah? Then go sit with her, and be her friend."

As much as he wanted to, he didn't want to be made fun of so he just stayed quiet.

The next day at lunch, he saw the girl again and this time she was sitting alone at the same table as yesterday, again. He couldn't stop looking over at her and of course his friends noticed this and teased him about it and told him to stop looking at her or they wouldn't be his friend anymore. This went on for the rest of the week. His friends would constantly tease him about liking her and of course he would deny it because he didn't actually like her, just wanted to be her friend, but they wouldn't stop.

One day, he decided that he had had enough. Not only because his friends would tease him but also because they would make fun of the girl. He didn't see what was so funny. When one of his friends said she should just go kill herself, Noah was done with them. He couldn't take it anymore and so without saying a word he got up and walked over to the table the girl was sitting at.

She looked up and was a but startled at first.

"Hi, I'm Noah. What's your name?"

"Richelle." She replied quietly.

"Is it okay if I sit down?"

"Sure." She replied quietly again, looking down at her feet under the table.

Noah tried his hardest to talk to her and at first she was quite shy. After a bit, she didn't feel so shy talking to him anymore and they ended up talking for a while.

Noah looked back at the table he had been sitting at before and saw everyone had a shocked look on their faces. It was pretty funny actually. Richelle and Noah had been talking for felt like ten minutes when in reality they had been talking all lunch hour. Time seemed to go by pretty fast for them.

From that day on, Noah never talked to those bullies again and him and Richelle hung out everyday and became best friends.

Flashback over

They have been best friends since then and Noah was extremely glad he went and sat down with Richelle that day. He does get bullied sometimes for being friends with her but he doesn't care because he's glad to have a friend like her. Even though that was ten years ago and they're seventeen now, he still wonders how different things would have been if he never sat with her that day at lunch but he doesn't regret it one bit.

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