Til Death We Part - Bryles

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Briar's P.O.V

It's been two years and I still can't get over what happened. He's gone. He's really gone. He's dead and he's never coming back. Ever since then, I've never had a boyfriend because I love him too much. I know he's dead but I love him too much to be with anyone else. Some idiot killed Myles and I know it was an accident but it was still that guy's fault and thanks to him, Myles is gone.

Flashback to two years ago (how he died)

"Myles, are you ready?" I called, standing at the bottom the stairs of our house. Yes, our house. We bought a house together about a year ago and things are going great for us. I wouldn't want to have things any other way.

"Almost." He calls from upstairs. You'd think it would be me who would take longer to get ready, but no. It's always him which is why we're late for almost everything. We're going to this new restaurant that opened downtown to have dinner with our families. We were supposed to be there twenty minutes ago but he still isn't ready. Seriously, how long does it even take to get ready?

"I'm ready." He says, walking down the stairs. Finally. I thought I'd have to wait ten more years for him to get ready.

"Hurry up, we're late." I say, kind of annoyed.

"Okay, okay, let's go."

We've been driving for about five minutes now while singing along terribly and loudly to the radio,  just having a good time. In the distance I see a white car speeding towards us. It comes closer and closer and I realize that it's about to hit us. Myles tries his best to avoid it but its too late. The car crashes into us before everything goes black.

One week later

I wake up feeling really confused. Where am I? I look around and see that I'm in the hospital. Why am I in the hospital? What happened? And why am I in so much pain? Where's Myles? Is he in the hospital too? Just then, a nurse walks in. She looks quite young with blue kind looking eyes and brown hair up in a neat bun.

"Briar, I see that you're awake." Says the nurse in a soothing voice.

"What happened?" I ask her. 

"Well... You got in a car accident. A drunk driver crashed into you and you've been here for about a week now."

"When can I leave?" 

"Today actually, seeing as you have no severe injuries, only a broken arm and a few scratches but very be careful." She tells me in a kind, soothing voice that makes me very sleepy for some reason. 

"What about Myles? Is he okay?" She gives me a sympathetic look and for some reason she won't make eye contact with me. "What happened to him?" I ask in a quite voice.

"I'm so sorry, but he passed away last night. I'm so sorry for your loss."

I start crying out of nowhere. I can't help it. Why did that guy have to be drunk? If he wasn't drunk none of this would have happened. 

"I'll leave you alone and once again, I'm so, very sorry." Says the nurse before walking out. 

I just sit there on my hospital bed with non-stop tears falling down my cheeks, feeling so lost and empty.

Flashback over

I remember it like is was yesterday. Two years ago today, is when he died and I know that's a long time but I still can't seem to get over. I just love him to much.

I'm just sitting there, in front of his gravestone while crying my eyes out. I'm wearing the necklace he got me for my 18th birthday and his favorite sweater. It still smells like him. Thinking about him just brings back so many great memories. I just miss him so much and I don't think I'll ever get over him. 

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