Chapter 4 - The morning after

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Your POV

I woke up on a small bed and i looked down to see i was wearing a over sized 'always keep fighting' T-shirt. It took me a second and then i realized where i was. I sat up idmiditly and went to look for my clothes " i cant believe I'm in Jensen's trailer" I whispered to myself I couldn't find any of my clothes and of course at that moment the door opened so I turned around and sprinted quietly into the bathroom. I ended up tripping on the bed comforter and fell right on my face. Thank god it was only Jensen but then i thought what am i talking about it is Jensen Ackles my life long celebrity crush i just embarrassed the shit out of myself. Jensen ran over to me laughing but concerned at the same time. " Y/N are you ok?" He kept laughing and helped you up " Ackles I love how you think this is funny." " well I mean love you fell which i feel bad about and then your ass was hanging out but are you ok I'm sorry you fell." You sighed and turned red " yes i am fine I'm so embarassed what time is it and where are my clothes?" He got his phone to check the time " it is 9:30 and your clothes are folded in the bathroom." I sighed but then looked up and hesitantly pointed between Jensen and I " did we...did I....what happened?" "Don't worry we didn't do anything after we left the bar i was going to drive you home but then you fell asleep in the car and I didn't know where you live and do to certain reasons i am living in my trailer here on set and you puked outside before i could bring you in so i washed your clothes and gave you one of my shirts and put you in my bed and i slept on the couch." You smiled and got even more embarrassed but it was so sweet of him to help me out that much it made my little kid crush grow even bigger but he wouldn't ever like me in that way. "thank you so much i am still so embarrassed and I'm late I'm gonna change and then haul to the makeup trailer and maybe go get food on my way." "oh yeah i forgot to tell you i got you breakfast" he said turning around and showing the eggs and bacon he got for you. "thank you so much i am still so embarrassed you are like my idol and i embarrassed myself in front of you." He gave you a hug so you would stop talking. "Y/N you will be fine and don't be embarrassed i enjoy everything that has happened i think all of your clumsiness is cute." Did he just call me cute "ok I'm going to get dressed" you turned around and went to the bathroom.

Jensen's POV:

Once Y/N was in the bathroom I sat on the couch and ran my hand over my face. I dont know why but I was falling for a girl I didn't really know.

Walking into the makeup trailer Emma turned around to see you. "ok i cant tell if this is the walk of shame or not but i mean there is no shame in the walk of shame if you know what i mean, so did you and Jensen you know?" She said laughing " i like how we met and you already assumed i have been doing the nasty with my crush which by the way we didn't." She laughed and took my purse and set it down on the couch which was next to the makeup tables. " ok Y/N who calls it 'the nasty' and he is your crush?" You blushed not meaning to say that because you work with him and this feels like a job you will like and you don't want to screw it up. " i guess yeah but i swear Emma you cannot say anything plus he would never like me." She gave you the ' you don't know what your talking about' look " Y/N he is into you its so obvious." " Emma I haven't even done a day of makeup yet and i met him for the first time last night i-'' you were cut off by Jared, Misha, and Jensen to get there makeup done. " hey guys!" Said Jared who went to Emmas chair to get his hair done and Jensen jumped in front of misha to get in my chair for makeup. " woah there Jensen hi Y/N I'm Misha I've heard a lot about you i would have met you last night but i had to go see my kids since they are up here but from what i heard from Jensen you were a little preoccupied with him." You blushed and looked at Jensen " Is that right Ackles." You said looking at him in the mirror, Jensen just blushed and didn't say anything so you got ready to do there makeup for the scene they are working on.


You were getting your things together to leave since your day was over and you were finally able to get a break and go to your apartment which you were still waiting for your furniture. Walking outside you were freezing since you were still getting used to Vancouver weather and you stupidly forgot your coat. You heard running and turned around to see Jensen running up to you. "What are you doing out here in the dark and it is freezing? Here wear my jacket." He took off his jacket and put it around you. "Thank you but I cant take your jacket and I'm waiting for my Uber which won't be here for 20 minutes which I'm not in a rush to get home anyway so its fine." He stopped you from taking off his jacket " do you want me to take you home you don't need to be out here by yourself you can come wait in my trailer also." Thinking to yourself you thought about how he invited you maybe Emma was right but then you thought about how he was out of your league but you weren't going to put down the opportunity. "I would like to come hangout with you in your trailer actually and then maybe we can get to know each other without alcohol so then we can rember tomorrow." He laughed and the two of you walked to his trailer.

Jensen POV

After i invited Y/N to my trailer i started talking to her once we were sitting on the couch and it was crazy to me that i was able to connect with her that easily because that doesn't happen as often no matter how social people are. I didn't tell her that I just got off of the phone with Danneel and she was screaming at me telling me how i was a unfit parent and that she was filing for full custody of the kids which i felt like i was going to break down because my kids were my world but some how Y/N made me feel a lot better. It was nice having her around.

"So I know last time i said something it was a little touchy but how are your kids i mean I don't want to upset you." You said feeling a little hesitant about asking "You know I would usually be able to give you a anwser but ever since the divorce she hasn't let me see them and it is so shitty of her to do that because they are my kids and today she called me saying she is filing for full custody and I'm not going to win and maybe she is right about me not being a good dad who knows." You didn't even wait for a second you leaped forward and embraced him in the biggest hug ever and didn't let go then he hugged you back you could feel him starting to breathe heavy and you whispered that it was ok and he could let his feelings out. He started to cry and you felt so bad again you did something stupid and felt even worse. He pushed back a little and you sat back on the couch. " I'm sorry Jensen i really really didn't mean to upset you i can leave if you want you probably don't want to talk to me for awhile." He cut you off by smashing his perfect swollen lips into yours. You didn't know what to do except for kiss him back and it felt like your lips were made for each other. You both pulled back to grab a breath of air. You heard your Uber show up. " Y/N i think your Uber is here and by the way you didn't do anything wrong." He said with a smile. You smiled and blushed as you walked out and got in your Uber.


You got to your apartment and grabbed your phone out of your back pocket and headed to your bathroom. After the past two crazy days you have had you decided to take a relaxing bath so you lit a couple of candles and played music softly right as you leaned your head back and finally got comfortable your phone buzzed. " ugh i have to tell Y/B/F/N about these past few days" you said to yourself aloud not wanting to deal with anyone for the rest of the night when you saw it was a unknown number.

Unknown: Hey Y/N

Y: Who is this?

Unknown: it's Jensen

Y: Oh hey! How did you get my number?

J: i asked Emma

Y: ok that's cool

J: i think we should talk about that moment we had tonight

Y: ok i would like to

J: how about i pick you up tomorrow and we go talk?

Y: sounds great!

Jensen's POV:

I couldn't stop smiling after Y/N agreed to go out with me tommorow. I knew I wasnt going to be able to get much sleep that night because all I could think about is Y/N's gorgeous eyes and beautiful smile and her perfect lips that felt so good.

How do you guys feel about the kiss?

What do you think is Danneels problem?

I hope you liked this chapter
( 1659 Words )

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