Chapter 9 ~ The sleepover

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Your POV:

After Jensen left i closed my door and slid down it. I grabbed my phone out of my bag and texted Y/B/F to tell her i made it home. Then i got up and went to the bathroom to turn on the shower. I got in and got out. I was putting my pj's when my phone buzzed. I got 4 different text just from Y/B/F then i got a text from a group chat that apparently Jared made. I checked the group chat first.
Group Chat-
Unknown- Hey its Jared I made this group chat :)
Me- Hey, what's up?
Jared😂- Not a lot. So all of the people are people who you need to meet if you haven't already so basically i added you to the cast and crew group chat. U cool with that?
Me- Hell ya!
Jared😂- Everyone introduce yourself so she knows who she is talking to
Jensen- Hey its Jensen
Unknown- It's Misha
Emma-It's Emma
Unknown- It's Brianna
Unknown- It's Alex
Unknown- Hey its Mark P.
Unknown- Richard
Unknown- Hey everyone it is Rob
Unknown- Yo it's Kim
Unknown- Oh and i know I'm not apart of the cast anymore but hey its Gen Jared's wife
Me: Hey everyone!

I am super excited I got into the group chat it is making me feel like i was finally apart of the family i just couldn't wait until I officially got to sit down and meet everyone. I thought i should probably see what Y/B/F said and how i would have to tell i her about how me and Jensen are now dating but i cant even wrap my head around it.
Y/B/F text:
F: OMG how did it go?
F: ummm HELLO?
F: go look at twitter
F: are you guys dating?
Me: hey whats up sorry I'm just getting to see this what is going on that is super important on twitter?
F: go LOOK!

I was super confused so i went to look at twitter I gasped in shock scrolling down my feed.
@jensen Ackles- I had such a fun night with @Y/T/N tonight can't wait to have more fun with you in the future❤️
@JarPad - @Misha Collins @jensen Ackles @Y/T/N, Misha did you see this i think Jensen has a crush on Y/N
@Misha Collins - You know they would be a cute couple and i think they would agree right?
@Jensen Ackles - @JarPad @Misha Collins, don't scare the girl away before she can really settle in
@Y/T/N - You guys are all making me feel like i belong in the family already
@Jensen Ackles - You do belong i the family
@Y/T/N - ❤️
@JarPad - see they are perfect for each other
@Misha Collins - Of course they are

I freaked out like i didn't even realize how much they noticed me since i was still brand new. I text Y/B/F back and explained everything. She freaked out but i told her how i needed to be up early for work and she had a meeting for her new clothing line in the morning so we were going to talk in the morning. I was finally able to get in bed and right as I turned off the lights I heard my phone buzz. I turned over a little annoyed but then I saw who it was.
Jensen❤️- Hey I just wanted to say thank you for hanging out with me today
Me - yeah it is no problem and i had so much fun thank you for taking me
Jensen❤️- So tomorrow JJ is being dropped off at the set but I was wondering if you would want to I get lunch with us?
Me - Yes I would love to and I hope she likes me i really want to make a good impression on her I can tell she is an amazing person!
Jensen❤️- She is amazing and you are amazing thank you for being so kind about my whole situation
Me - I will see you tomorrow at work
Jensen❤️- Get some sleep love I will see you tomorrow

WAIT did he just call me love?! I couldn't sleep thinking about it but, i knew tomorrow i had a lot of work to do so i found a way to go to sleep.


You woke up with a little bit more pep in your step. You were so excited about getting to meet JJ but at the same time it made you nervous and made you want to puke. Your head was filled with thoughts like 'what if she doesn't like me?' You knew you needed to talk to someone so you FaceTimed Y/B/F while you got ready.
"Hey Y/N are you ok? You look like you are super nervous what is wrong?" She asked kind of laughing at me since i was pacing in my closest looking for something to wear.
"Well today is my first full day doing everyone's makeup because last time it was basically a practice run. Oh and did i forget to mention that I am going to lunch with Jensen and JJ today." You said looking through your closet. You heard a very high pitched squeal.
"You are going to have so much fun I can't even believe it. You are not only Dating the Jensen Ackles but he is also introducing you to his adorable little girl. Could you have it any better." She said
"I am super excited about it's just I am afraid that I will mess it up." I said as i turned to her with a outfit "What about this do you think it looks good?" She nodded
"That looks killer but casual, sexy but appropriate. It's perfect." She said and it made you laugh she had to go or she would be late to her morning meeting. You put on the outfit and did your hair and makeup in a way you loved. Here is your outfit below.

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