Chapter 6 ~ lets talk about us pt.2

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"So we need to talk about that kiss." Jensen said. You froze but knew you needed to talk about you were thinking about how you were so nervous and didn't know why. Maybe it was because he was Jensen Ackles or because he was so handsome. The only conclusion you could come to was that it felt different being around him like you had chemistry and you found yourself overthinking everything again.

"Okay." You said trying to be confident. That was the thing. You are usually super confident but for some reason he amazes you so much that it made you feel not as confident. "I'm sorry about last night I didn't mean to be emotional, I don't like to let people who I like think I'm a baby." He said looking a little worried. "I don't think you were a baby trust me i get emotional a lot so I don't think you are anything near that. Plus a lot of people like it more when you can show emotions." You said realizing he just said 'people that i like' was he meaning you? "Thank you Y/N and i wanted to know if it would be ok for me to ask you how you felt about the kiss." You bit your lip and your mind started rushing to multiple things and you didn't want to say something and it be the wrong thing to say. "You are a good kisser Ackles." That was the only thing you could think of "Well thank you Y/L/N your not so bad yourself, anyway i wanted to ask you if you would like to go on a date with me on Friday?" You smiled and tried not to blush "you know i think i would like that." You both laughed and you started talking about work and lots of other things. The time flew by and you soon saw that it was 12:30 and you were supposed to be on set a hour ago. You told Jensen and you both ran to the car and drove off to the set.


You both got out of his car and headed towards the trailer. "Do you have a charger i could borrow my phone is almost dead?" You asked "yeah its in my trailer we can stop by no the way to the makeup trailer." You nodded and walked into his trailer and he handed you the charger on the way out he spun you around and lightly pushed you up against the wall and started to kiss you. You kissed back and it was perfect he was so amazing. Soon you heard a voice that wasn't Jensen's "Wow you guys got friendly real fast." You were so embarrassed and you and Jensen split apart and looked at Jared. "Jared i know i just met you but if you tell anyone it will not be funny." You said and he laughed

"Ok, ok i wont say anything now lets go to your trailer we need to be ready to film soon." He said in a nice way and you nodded and followed him. Once you all got to the trailer you Jensen and Jared were all giving each other looks. You chuckled slightly and Jared sat in your chair to get his stage makeup done. You kept looking at Jensen and he wouldn't make contact with you. He was acting different and when you were doing his makeup he wouldn't talk. You decide you were going to let it go and hopefully he would be comfortable enough to talk about it but you couldn't think about anything that happened today that would have upset him.

After the boys left you were alone with Emma. "Do you think something is wrong with Jensen." You asked hesitantly not trying to draw attention to what your relationship status was with Jensen if you two even had one. "Well he was a little quiet, i mean he isn't quiet very much." She said "should i be worried?" Emma asked. You just shook your head not knowing what to say. Maybe you did upset him. Shit!


A little while longer you were done since the boys didn't have any mess ups today while filming so the day went by pretty fast. You thought about how Jensen was acting weird all day so you thought would it help if you talked to him so you headed towards his trailer. You knocked on the door and he opened it but when he saw you he stopped smiling. You looked in and Jared and misha were all laughing. They saw you and took the awkward tension as a sign to leave. They said bye to both of you and then walked out of the trailer.

"hey are you upset?" You asked walking into the trailer as he signaled you to do so. "No I'm fine." He said leaning up against kitchen counter. "Are you sure because i know we just met but i talked to Emma and she agreeded that you aren't quiet unless something is wrong so please tell me, did i upset you?" You asked and he just shook his head and then said "I'm not upset, I'm just confused, today you said that you didn't want anyone to know and i was confused and I didn't know if it was because you didn't want to be associated with me. I also didn't know why you freaked out that he saw i mean we aren't together but is it really a problem that we kissed?" You could tell he was hurt and you felt bad he started to get red. "I said something because people thought i got my last job because of a relationship and i also said it because i assumed that you didn't want people to know you were kissing someone like me. I know we don't have a relationship that is romantic but if we are being honest I would like one." You said letting your emotions getting to you and you got red and embarrassed once you realized you basically just said ' Jensen i love you but not in a creepy way i just want to date you even though we just met' why am i stupid with my word choice sometimes. Jensen pushed off the counter and walked over to you and gave you a hug. "Y/N, i honestly don't think you could make me mad, and by the way I would like to have a relationship that IS romantic." You just laughed and buried your head in his shoulder and you swayed there.

—————————————————————— How do you think your relationship is going to go?

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