Chapter 10 ~ The sleep over part 2

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This is the second part to the last chapter the sleepover. How do you like the story so far? Anyway, I really hope you guys like this story.


Y/N POV:   

    We were pulling up to Jensens house and man it was huge and beautiful. Before I was able to even think about getting out of the car Jensen was at my side opening the door. "Thank you, sir." I said sarcastically and he laughed. I walked back a little and opened the backseat door and helped JJ get out of the car.
    "Jensen your house is beautiful like oh my god!" I said walking with him and JJ into the house. "Thank you I'm happy your getting to see it." He said walking over to me
    "Hey JJ can you go make sure your room is all picked up for when your friends get here." JJ headed up the stairs and once he saw she went into her room he got even closer to me. His hands snaked around my waist.
    "Jensen the place is amazing." He leaned in and kissed you and it was starting to more passionate but then you remembered JJ was up stairs and you didn't want this to happen with her upstairs especially if she doesn't know about me and Jensen dating which i respect that. You pulled away both out of breath "She is right upstairs. We aren't doing this right now. We got to get ready for the girls coming over so you point me towards the bowls for the snacks and you go turn on the lights in the pool and go get towels out. Also make sure there is music playing but like the younger kid stuff." You said walking away from him and towards the kitchen, Jensen laughed "Yes ma'am and did you just call me old?" You leaned over the counter to talk to him "I'm not sure, and I need to know where stuff is." He laughed and pointed stuff out about twenty minutes later JJ called me and Jensen upstairs.
    "Hey baby whats up?" Jensen said as he headed over to JJ in her playroom she looked like she was having a meltdown
Jensen went over and picked her up and put her in his lap. You bent down so you were eye level to her. You whipped her hair away from her face. "What is wrong?" You asked making a pouty face.
    "I was trying so hard to make a big tent for us out of blankets and i decorated it and then it fell over and it was so frustrating because it was so pretty." She said and started to cry a little she hugged Jensen and he was trying to stop her from crying.
    "Oh! I have an idea what if your dad and I help you get it set up before your friends get here we still have time!" You said excited trying to get her to be happy. She smiled but you could tell she still wasn't having it so you thought of another idea to make her happy "If you don't turn that frown upside down I'm going to have to tickle you." You started tickling her and she couldn't stop laughing
    "See Y/N always knows how to make things better." Jensen said laughing. Unfortunately the door bell rang "Ok you and your friends can build it together I think you guys would have more fun that way." She nodded as the three of you walked down the stairs and to the door.
    Jensen opened the door and two of JJ's little friends ran in and they all started jumping and ran upstairs. "Thank you for having them over Jensen." On of the moms said and the other one nodded in agreement "Yeah it is no problem, and there is someone i want you to meet. This is Y/N my girlfriend." He said looking at you as he took your hand in his "Hello, it's very nice to meet you and your little girls are so cute." You said and you could feel your cheeks getting redder because you were still in shock about you and Jensen dating but not only that but that he told these moms who are probably friends with his ex.
    "Nice to meet you Y/N, we are happy Jensen has found someone good and I'm sure JJ is happy too. Have you met Danneel yet." You smiled and was a little surprised about how nice they were about it but then it felt awkward when they brought up Danneel. "Well actually we haven't told JJ yet I want her to get used to me first and she has been going through so much lately which i know you two know about so i just don't want to put anything else on her or Jensen and yes i met her but it was brief." They smiled at me and Jensen just looked over at me and put his arm around my shoulder.
    The moms left and me and Jensen got the girls bags and took them upstairs when we came down the stairs the three girls were waiting for us at the end of the stairs. "Guys this is Y/N she is so awesome." JJ introduced me "Hi girls what are your names?" I asked. The girl that was a little shorter than JJ and had very pretty curly red hair "My name is Eva." She said with a bashful smile. "My name is olive" the little girl standing on the other side of her. She had almost black gorgeous long hair and was about JJ's height. "Hi! Ok so we have the pool set up and we have some snacks out also an awesome movie selection up in the playroom and some things for you girls to make a fort. What do you want to do first?" You said acting super energetic.
    The girls all decided they wanted to swim so they all got changed and ran outside to swim. I sat on the couch outside watching the girls have fun and Jensen grill hot dogs and burgers for the girls he walked over and handed me a beer as he sat down right next to me. I turned so i was sitting towards him and put my knees in my chest.
    "Thank you for helping with the girls, JJ loves you so much and thinks your amazing and so do I. What am i saying you are amazing and i just love having you around but honestly i will never be able to repay you for how much you have helped me." He said putting his empty hand on yours.
    "Jensen did you forget about how less than a month ago I was no one and you had no idea i even excited and fast forward to now I'm dating my dream guy who has been my celebrity crush for years and I have my dream job and I'm getting to be around JJ which is SO much fun. So no you do not owe me or have to repay me anything." Just about the time you finished your sentence the girls came over and asked if the two of us would swim with them. We laughed and I got up "Come on Jen lets swim with them." We went inside to get into our swimsuits.
    This is what you wore to swim in.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Apr 14, 2020 ⏰

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