CH: 1 Meet the brothers

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CH: 1

Mikans POV:

I watched the clock as the minute hand reached 3:15 the bell rang and before Jinno-sensei said anything I packed up my bag and ran out the door towards my house. I ran past many students and ran through traffic lights, I know that's bad but I needed no wantedto get home, I ran through my usual short cut and ran through the gate to my house.

I opened the door and saw my mum smiling I knew something was up so I ran past her not wanting to know what was up. I took my uniform off (the normal Kyoto uniform Not Gakuen Alice) and dressed myself into my casual clothes: A jewel hanging earring on my left ear, loose t-shirt, baggy ripped jeans, sneakers and chains hanging from my trousers... Yes I was a tom-boy, from time-to-time, I tied my hair into a high pony and ran downstairs to see my guy friends or what people call us the goons: Koko, Kitsu and Yuu.

They smiled at me and I grabbed my skateboard, helmets and pads and went out the door before I stepped out... "Mikan Azumi !" I looked behind me and saw my mom smiling "Be sure to be back at 9:30 we have guests!" Weird, she'd usually shout at me, I ran out to see my friends with their boards I smiled at them and they grinned back. My three friends were triplets, but Yuu didn't look anything like Kitsu and Koko. Yuu had glasses, but he didn't look like a geek, sandy blonde hair and usually wore knee-shorts and a t-shirt with long-sleeves underneath. Koko usually wore cameo shorts and a vest shirt, his hair was also sandy blonde but messier than Yuu's. Kitsu looked much like Koko, but he usually wore opposite colours to Koko and he would usually keep his eyes clothes.Koko was the eldest then Kitsu and then Yuu; we started walking to the skate park while talking about how stupid our maths teacher, Jinno-sensei, was. We reached the park and went to our usual ramp I and Koko went first.

I was on the right side and koko was on the left I did an Ollie and carried on doing other tricks and Koko did tricks too. We switched and I and koko talked, I looked at Koko and said "Koko I have o get back before 9:30 my mum strangely told me 'cuz we have guests" He chuckled "Hahaha that doesn't sound anything like your mum... Well that's what my dad told me, but we don't have guests we were going somewhere... weird huh?" I smirked."So what time is it?" He smirked looked at the time and grimaced "9:00! DAMN IT... We gotta go, time flies when you're having fun eh?" I laughed and playfully punched him. Koko called the others and we skated back to my house, they said good night and they left. I walked into our mansion... Yes I was the daughter of the CEO Yuka Azumi; I sighed and walked up the stairs, about half way my mum called me from the top of the stairs "Mikan! HURRY! SHOWER AND PUT THESE CLOTHES ON PLEASE!" and she ran passed me after throwing me a... UH! Pinkie flowing DRESS! I sighed and walked into my room.

I threw my board onto my bed and grabbed a towel and walked into my toilet and took a shower.I walked out my shower and wrapped my towel round my chest; I looked at the time on my phone '9:15 great!' I threw my phone onto my bed and put my undergarments on and then put on the dress my mum gave... threw me. I looked at myself in the mirror dried my hair, curled it and put it into a high pony-tail. I put on some light blush and then lip-gloss, I hated make up, but if my mum wanted me to wear a dress it must've been very important. I was finally done and I checked the time again '9:30' just on time "MIKAN!" I sighed and walked out my room and down the stairs to see a tall man with raven hair and emerald eyes hugging my mother.

I smiled and curtsied, my mum came up to me with the man right beside her "This is my only daughter... Introduce yourself" I smiled and then spoke "Watashi wa Azumi Sakura Mikan, age 16" He chuckled and then said "You look exactly like your mother, well you must meet my sons there in the living room waiting for you... OH! And don't worry there are meant to be 13 of them!" I was shocked 13 sons.I walked into the living room and then I saw them all 13 wearing suits I looked at all of them and then nearly screamed when I saw 3 idiots that I had left earlier, but they beat me to "MIKAN!" I smiled and they tackled me to the floor.

I laughed and they helped me up they all said sorry and I chuckled then Koko said "WOAH! You look hot in a dress... why did you hide this from us; I could've asked you out!" I smirked and then said "Well first I would've rejected your sorry-ass and plus dresses are not helpful when I'm skating!" We laughed and then mum walked in with the man's hand around her waist "Koko, Kitsu, Yuu back to your place!" They frowned and went back to their spot I looked at the man and then he said "I forgot to introduce myself, I am Izumi Yukihara!" I smiled and then he carried on "I am your mother's fiancée"My mouth fell and as soon as I was going to ask a question he rudely butted in, "Now sons introduce yourself!" I awkwardly smiled and then looked at them.

#1 brown hair, emerald eyes

He stepped forward and looked coldly at me "Watashi wa Yukihara Youichi age 13" and then he stepped back.

#2 Yuu

He stepped forward and bowed and then smiled "Watashi wa Yukihara Yuu age 16" and he stepped back.

#3 Kitsu

Kitsu smirked stepped forward and smirked "Watashi wa Yukihara Kitsu age 16, hey Mi-chan!" I frowned at the nickname.

#4 Koko

Koko chuckled at my face and then stepped forward "Watashi wa Yo-Yukihara Kokoro, or koko for short age 16...Yo Mikan!" I smiled as he stepped back.

#5 Princ- One of the popular dudes in my class

He blushed at me and then stepped forward "Urm... Watashi wa Y-Yukihara Ruka age 16 and a half ... From your c-class" I smiled which caused him to blush and he stepped back quickly he had blonde hair and blonde eyes.

#6 the troublesome bad-boy of my class

He kissed his teeth and then stepped casually and said "Watashi wa Yukihara Natsume! Age 16 and a half" and he walked back causing his bangs that covers his eyes to go to the side and I saw a... Blush and his CRIMSON eyes.

#7 Prince look-a-like but older

He smiled which caused me to blush and he chuckled lightly and then coughed violently which caused all the brothers to look at him worriedly he shrugged it off stepped forward and spoke "Watashi wa Yukihara Kaname! Age 17" He stepped back.

#8 A dude with weird eyes

He stepped up and stared at me "YOU LOOK A LOT LIK-" Then he was hit by the boy with dark hair and a star tattoo "Oh sorry, Watashi wa Yukihara Hayate! Age 17 and a quarter" and he did a kung fu move and stepped back.

#9 Star tattoo guy

He had dark blue hair and dark blue eyes, stepped forward with his hands in his pockets and grinned "Watashi wa Yukihara Tsubasa age 17 and a half!" and he winked at me and stepped back.

#10 Creepy dude

This dude had a sly smirk and had long black hair, he stepped forward and smiled "Watashi wa Yukihara Akira age 18, don't be scared kitty I don't bite...Yet!" I shivered.

#11 A feminine dude

He stepped forward with his hands on his hips "AY~ Watashi wa Yukihara Rui age 18 and a half, You LOOK SO KAWAII!"and he was pulled back.

#12 A dude that looked like a pop star

This man had a red messy hair and purple eyes he stepped forward "Watashi wa Yukihara Reo age 19 and a half, sorry for him he's gay!" I giggled and he smirked while Rui-san whined.

#13 Scary looking man

He had black hair black eyes and had a terrifying aura he stepped forward and spoke "Watashi wa Yukihara Rei age 20" and he stepped back.

I looked at my mum and she giggled "Well this is Azumi Mikan she is 16 and she is going to be your sister while I'm going to be your mum!" I screamed and she giggled. "Well get to know yourselves we'll call you for dinner!" I frowned and then was crushed by my friends... Again, we laughed and got up as they gave me tips on their brothers.

My mum then walked in and looked at me, "Mikan why don't you give the boys a tour of our house. I grimaced and then she left I turned to them all and they smirked and they all grabbed me shouting "WHERES! YOUR ROOM!" I frowned.

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