CH 6: Nee-chan

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CH: 6


It was the end of the school day Mikan stormed home ignoring her mother and her brother's attempts of asking what was wrong or what had happened. She went up to her room and fell onto her bed not caring that she hadn't changed into her home clothes. She faced the ceiling and sighed. All she did was think about what had happened on her first day of school.

She pondered and lost her train of thought when she saw a picture of her younger self and the younger version of the triplets and a certain raven head, she sighed to herself and thought 'Maybe I was a bit too quick to jump to conclusions I should apologise' She stood up and then realised 'I better wash and change first' She smiled and ran to her bathroom and got changed.Meanwhile.

An irritated Natsume and the injured triplets were walking home when suddenly Akira, Hayate and Tsuabasa ran in front of them and started talking about a certain brunette, which 4 lads happened to overhear "Oh my gosh did you see her in her PE uniform damn she has some fine curves" Tsubasa drooled, Akira then spoke "Yeaah~ and when Kitsu accidentally sprayed her with water, damn her polka-dotted bra was so cute on her!" The three laughed and then Hayate joined in "If only she wasn't our sister I would've pounced on her and eat her up!" The three started gawking with laughter 'til they felt a sinister aura, to be correct four sinister auras, they all turned around and saw Natsume, Yuu, Koko and Kitsu bangs covering their eyes and there knuckles white and clenched.


The four lads walked inside, towards there room and slammed their doors shut. The rest of the family ran outside and saw Akira sprawled on the ground, Tsubasa hanging upside down on the tree branch, and Hayate stuck in the hedge the family sweat dropped except for Mr. Yukihara and Rei.

Mikans POV:

What happened? Did the triplets and Natsume do that?! I shook my head and went up to the triplets room and knocked hoping for a response, but sadly none. So I walked in and saw Kitsu on the top bunk of his bed, Koko on the laptop and Yuu reading a book. I faked a cough and caught their attention, they suddenly looked up and saw me and then quickly ran towards me.

I was taken back and accidentally fell back, why did this feel so familiar? OOF! I looked up and saw Yuu's face smooshed against mine ANOTHER FREAKING KISS! He quickly pushed himself off of me and paled as if he saw a ghost and he backed away... I turned around and my eyes widened...My mom and my step-dad were there in shock, I nearly fainted 'til my mom squealed "KYA! Forbidden love so adorable!" I blushed and I saw Yuu looking away and Kitsu and Koko clenching their fists? My step-dad then grunted at the three and smiled and winked at me then pulled my mom away from the scene and closed the door.I faced the three and saw Yuu back on his bed and Kitsu nearing me, "Thats not fair Mikan you kissed both of our brothers and not me, you're so mean" I was about to say it wasn't on purpose but was pulled into a kiss. My eyes widened even more, if I keep doing this my eyes'll pop out! I then saw Koko and Yuu gaping.They shouted "YOU CHEATER!" I was left there standing, dumbfounded "OURS WEREN'T LIKE THAT THEY WERE ACCIDENTS! I saw Kitsu shrug and walked to his bed while the other two were murmuring curses and how sly Kitsu was.

I walked back to my room and saw Natsume leaning on my door, I sighed and asked "What do you want?" he smiled, wait smiled!? I gave him a puzzled look and hugged me "You kept it" I just stood there gobsmacked The Natsume Hyuuga was hugging me! Wait I kept what? He whispered into my ear "Mi-chi" I shivered no one called me that name for a while even the triplets stopped. He pecked me on the cheek and I pushed him off and ran into my room.Why? Why are my brothers so weird? I sighed and slumped down onto my bed and looked at my picture of me Koko, Yuu, Kitsu and... Natsume. I sighed, so that's what he meant, I stared at the picture and thought of our childhood together, we would've still be friends, but it was his fault... He changed...

Rei POV:

After the incident with those three baka's, referring to Hayate, Tsubasa and Akira even if my family is filled with many baka's. I walked slowly up stairs and saw otou-san and okka-san in front of the triplets room, okaa-san was squealing something about forbidden love? I smirked that woman was very entertaining no wonder tou-san decided to marry her.

I looked at Mikans room and saw one of my favourite otouto standing in front of it "Youichi what are you doing here?" He looked up at me and frowned "Nee-chan isn't opening the door" I bent down and looked at him "Why? What do you need Mikan-chan for?" He grinned sheepishly just like how Koko would only this grin didn't irritate me and make me want to gut them... "I wanna sleep with her!" I smiled "Well i'll open the door for you but don't say I did it okay say it was..." I thought for a while and then chuckled to myself.... Say it was "Reo who told you can sleep here and Ruka who opened the door..." Youichi nodded and gave me an "un!" and ran inside with his little brown bear given to him by Hotaru, my devil of a cousin made it act like a living bear but would only listen to Youichi and Hotaru. I yawned and went to my room for some shut eye. AHHHHHHHHH! I grinned before allowing myself to doze off.

Youichi POV:

I sat on nee-chans chair waiting for her to get back, while I was waiting I looked at bear and told him to be good or I would put him on the shelf. I smiled when he nodded and I soon heard nee-san opening her door I smiled and waited 'til she was lying down. I jumped on her and she scareamed "AHHHHHHHHH!" I covered my ears and said "Nee-san it Youichi" She sighed and asked "How did you get in here?" and I told her what Rei-nii told me to say "Reo-niisan told me I could! And Ruka-nii opened it" I saw her sigh and I heard her say something, but I didn't know what it meant so.."DAMN IT!" I smiled and she stared at me in horror? "Ne nee-san what does 'Damn' mean?" she looked at me weirdly and scolded me and then told me it was a bad word I felt really bad and started crying "Waaaaaaah~" she hugged me and then said "Okay you can sleep with me! I smiled and lied down beside her and gave her a kiss on the cheek "I like my new onee-chan!"


The next day...It was an early Saturday morning when "I'LL WAKE HER UP!", "NO I WILL!", "BAKAS I WILL!" were heard on the second floor of the Azumi Household. The triplets were arguing on who would wake up Mikan when suddenly her door opened and saw a really ticked off Youichi holding his bear and staring at them menacingly "URUSAI BAKAS! NEE-CHAN IS SLEEPING AND IF YOU WONT BE QUIET I WILL LET BEAR-CHAN DEAL WITH YOU!" The three-year old then shut the door leaving the triplets gaping. They were asking themselves: Why was Youichi in there? Did he sleep with Mikan in his 3 year old self or 13?

They shivered after realising he threatened them by releasing bear, although bear was small he was fierce and violent for his size, he was made by Hotaru to protect Youichi from bullies and fan-girls so like a cute cuddly body guard. The three decided to go back to their rooms knowing Mikan would wake up in the afternoon.

Rei walked out of his room stretching and half naked he walked to Mikans room and knocked on the door, but this time a brunette holding a little boys hand went to open it. And she squealed loudly which caused all the boys to come out of their rooms only to find Mikan being hugged by their eldest brother and their youngest brother holding her hand they looked like a newly wed couple, they all were speechless.

Rei then broke the hug and smirked. The youngest brother spoke up "I slept with nee-chan so what?! Reo-nee told me I could and Ruka-nee let me!" 4 lads went up to the 2 said boys and chased them around the house while the rest of them went downstairs to have brunch. Mikan sighed and looked at the little boy holding her hand smiling innocently, and then she wondered 'Wait where's his bear?'

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