CH: 4 Dodgeball

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CH: 4

Mikan's POV:

I stepped backwards and I tripped after a couple of seconds I saw Koko on me.... KISSING MY LIPS! I pushed him and screamed "KYAAAAAAAAAAAA HENTAI!" I stood up and ran out the room, but as I was about to exit the room I bumped into a hard chest. I looked up and saw Natsume he smirked and he spoke "Falling for me huh... P-O-L-K-A?" I looked at him confusingly and he pointed at my skirt I looked at my skirt and ran out the room blushing like a tomato. Man do I hate my brothers!

I walked outside and sat underneath a tree, I sighed and I heard a snore I looked up and saw a sleeping figure, I recognised that it was Tsubasa. I sighed and stood up I took a deep breath and screamed "ZOMBIEEEEEEEEEEEE~!" He fell off the branch and hastily stood up in a karate stance. I giggled at his position and I guess he heard it because he tackled me to the ground.

I looked at the position we were in and blushed, he smirked got up and helped me up. I started punching him and he started chuckling, I frowned and asked "Why were you here?" He shrugged and spoke "Well I like to skip class and avoid fan-girls" I smiled and then remembered the last name. I looked at him and asked "Hey, why do you guys have different surnames?" He looked at me and said "Well all of us are half brothers 'cuz we all have different mom's and the same dad, and well we all can't use our dad's last name to go to this school so we used our mom's company names to qualify for Gakuen Alice." I nodded and then waved goodbye, I heard him chuckle and ran to my next class... physical education.

Tsubasa's POV:

Mikan.... She is something no wonder Natsume likes her, I mean I know he just liked her because she's a different girl and he was intrigued by Hota-chans speech on her when he offended her a couple years back, but I wonder what would happen if I got him jealous hehehe, I'll tell the others. As she left I climbed back up the tree and went to sleep.

Mikan's POV:

I ran to the changing rooms and changed quickly into my kit; I put my trainers on and tied my hair up. I ran outside and joined the rest of the class. I caught a glance from Koko and blushed I tried to avoid him and ran next to Hotaru. I didn't realise that 2 people were watching my every movement, we were playing dodge ball, that's my game Hotaru and the triplets knew that and tried to go on my team, but were sadly chosen on the opposing team. I sighed and prepared myself, the ball was coming my way and I caught it and threw it back and I hit Yuu.

I saw him crouch on the floor I gaped and shouted "GOMEN YUU-KUN!" He gave me thumbs up and I carried on. I caught the balls a couple of time and never once did I get hit, then a ball came really close to my head but I bent backwards just in time. Soon it was just me on my team and Koko, Natsume and Ruka-kun I sighed this was unfair, but I carried on. Koko threw the ball and I did a back flip making sure it didn't touch me and then Ruka threw it but I caught it and brought back one of my teammates as Ruka left the match.

And as soon as my teammate came on Natsume hit him on the ankle I sighed he was good at this game, but I caught him out many times. Koko threw the ball again and I dodged it grabbed a ball, and hit Koko; he smiled and mouthed a good luck, which made me blush. Then I thought I saw Natsume's eye twitch and as he threw the ball it wasn't aiming at me it was at Koko. I gasped as Koko fell onto his face I shouted "HEY! HE'S ON YOUR TEAM FOUL!" Natsume smirked and threw the ball at me, which I dodged and threw a ball back at him and... I hit his waist. I jumped for joy, but then realised Koko was still on the floor, I ran to him and helped him up I looked at Natsume and spoke "You know you can be a real jerk!" And I helped carry Koko to the infirmary.

I laid him down onto the bed and sighed "Natsume must really hate you Koko" He chuckled and said "Yeah.... Only when you're around" I looked at him and asked "What?" He looked away and said "Bestuni..." I stood up and said "Well stay here I'll go find the nurse" I was about to walk away but he grabbed my hand and said "Stay..." I blushed and snatched my hand away. I ran out of the room and bumped into Yuu he looked really depressed. I looked at him and he smiled "Is Koko okay?" I nodded and Yuu smiled "Thanks Mikan..." I smiled and hugged Yuu, I don't know why but he really looked down in the dumps he stiffened and he pushed me gently off and blushed "Umm... K-Kitsu's looking for you!" I nodded and ran off back outside.

Yuu's POV:

I watched Mikan leave and my heart stopped beating really fast I calmed down and entered the room, I looked at Koko and I sighed "You shouldn't have done that in front of Natsume-nii" He shrugged and said "I don't care anymore I've fallen for Mikan" I widened my eyes and blushed as soon as he said Mikan. I shook it off, but I guess Koko saw it and looked at me "I heard you and Mikan talking... What happened?" I blushed, was I falling for Mikan too. I looked down and covered my face with my bangs. I shrugged I then heard Koko go off his bed and walking towards me....

Kitsu's POV:

I was on cleaning duty with Mikan, but she had to help Koko so I told Yuu to get her. I got the hose and started cleaning. I heard footsteps and faced the direction on where they were coming from, but what I heard next was "KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA KITSU!" I looked and saw Mikan soaking wet from head to toe I blushed since it was a white t-shirt I saw her polka-dotted bra I blushed and she looked at me and grimaced.

I laughed and then carried on cleaning Mikan faced me and said "Hey you know what Koko said about me ... Do you think it's true?" I faced Mikan and saw her blushing. She looked really cute unlike when she was in her tom-boy state. I blushed and I felt my heart beating faster, so this is what Koko feels when he looks at Mikan. I tried to speak but all I could say, no stutter was "Uh...Y-y....uh" I saw Mikan frown and then I finally spoke "What anyone thinks doesn't matter because you are perfect just the way you are" I covered my mouth with my hand.

I saw Mikan smiling and she came up to me and kissed me on the cheek, which caused the butterflies in my tummy to flutter even more, I blushed a thousand shades of red.Mikan smiled and when we finally finished she left to go change I sighed, and I finally calmed down. I went to the infirmary to see how Koko was, but as I got there I saw...

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