CH: 2 First Kiss?!

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CH: 2

Mikan's POV:

I sulkily walked up to my room and opened the door they all walked in and stared in awe I swear I heard one of my soon-to-be brothers say "I'm not sure she's a girl" I gritted my teeth and then told them "DON'T SNOOP AROUND THIS IS MY ROOM!" They chuckled and walked out we went back to the living room and waited. It was so awkward all of them were staring at my every movement and as soon as my mum called I immediately stood up and walked out of the room. I heard their footsteps so I stopped and turned around "Okay let me get things straight I will not treat you well if you don't treat me well so basically I'll treat you how you treat me!" I smiled curtsied and walked inside the dining room.

I sat in my usual place and then I saw Koko sit on my right side and Yo...Yu... Youichi sit on my... LAP! Really a thirteen year ol- wait why is he smaller now? He looked up to me and smiled it was so cute and he spoke "I am actually 3 years old nee-san; I ate this weird candy our cousin made!" I smiled their cousin sounded a lot like my childhood best friend Hotaru. I shrugged it off and then felt a cold presence at my left side, it was Natsume I shivered and then saw the food being placed onto the table. My belly growled and Koko heard it and he chuckled I giggled and Youichi just laughed really quietly, everyone finally started to eat and I fed Youichi. I heard Koko whimper and he playfully opened his mouth saying 'AH~' I frowned and then an idea popped up into my mind I put my food filled spoon near Koko's mouth and when he was about to put it fully inside his mouth I pulled it to the other side (AN: So it would be facing in Natsume's way) He whined and I smirked and as soon as I was going to eat Natsume put his mouth on the spoon and ate the food, I blushed and I filled the spoon again and fed Youichi.

As soon as I was done I put Youichi down and excused myself, but my mum interrupted and said "Well since we're going to be a family we're going to live together and you are all going to transfer schools tomorrow!" I nearly screamed my head off and said "WHAT! HELL NO I DON'T WANT TO GO TO SCHOOL WITH IDIOTIC BROTHERS!" My mum looked at me and said "Mikan language! And anyway Koko, Yuu, Kitsu, Natsume, Ruka, Youichi and your brothers will be there with you" I looked at her and said "UH! Mom I'm okay with Ruka, Youichi, Koko, Yuu and Kitsu, but the rest NOOOOO" I ran into my room and changed into my PJ's.

After a couple of minutes of lying down on my bed I heard a knock I went to open the door and it was the prince! No I mean Ruka I smiled at him and he smiled back he then spoke "Um I'm sorry on how we acted today they we are all going to leave to go back home and pack soon, but I just wanted to talk to my new sister" I giggled and invited him in I then realised I left my skateboard on the floor and I ran ahead of him to get it, but I slipped on my knee-pad and fell flat on my back. Ruka chuckled and held out his hand I thanked him and took it, but I couldn't control my strength and...


I accidently pulled him down too I opened my eyes and saw Ruka kissing me! My eyes widened and his eyes did too he hastily stood up and he blushed he looked at me and bowed "Gomene Mikan I didn't... mean to" I stood up and bowed as well "I'm also sorry It was mostly my fault... Let's not speak of this" He nodded and made his way out. I sighed the prince took my first kiss, I'm glad it was him and not Natsume. I went out my room to say goodbye, I came down the stairs to see my 'brothers' either blushing or smirking I looked at him confusingly and asked "What?" Then the creepy dude (AN: Look at CH:1) came up to me and whispered in my ear "You shouldn't wear short shorts in front of boys because that's called seduction" And he blew in my ear I felt really warm and shouted at them "HENTAI!" I then looked at Youichi he smiled and I gave him a big hug. I said goodbye to all of them and as soon as they left I went up to my room to sleep. I opened my door walked in and closed my door and fell onto my bed I was so tired I instantly fell asleep.




Uhhhh! Stupid alarm clock, I turned it off and walked into my toilet to shower. I walked out of my toilet with a towel clad around me. I walked up to my wardrobe and saw a new uniform it had a note and it said 'Mikan here is your new uniform... DON'T RUIN IT!' I grabbed it and changed into it I dried my hair and tied it up in a side ponytail, I looked at my uniform short blue and black pleated mid-thigh skirt, a white school shirt with a blue tie and a blazer with the schools logo engraved on the right part of the chest the rims of the blazer were blue (AN: Basically the Gakuen Alice Middle school uniform) I didn't like it so I rolled up the sleeves and added chains to side. I put on long white socks and put on my shoes.

I walked downstairs into the dining room to grab a quick breakfast, but saw my stupid brothers (excluding Youichi, Ruka and Kaname) all eating I sighed walked in and grabbed toast I didn't like to eat breakfast. I saw them stair at me and some greeted me a good morning, I greeted them back and sat down in my spot and started eating. After 10 minutes we heard the bus outside, I grabbed my bag and ran out the door waving goodbye to my mum. I went inside the bus and sat down near two girls one with bubblegum wavy hair and one with straight blue hair. They smiled at me and spoke "HEY! You must be the new student were..." Then the bubblegum haired one spoke "Umenomiya Anna" and then the blue haired one "And I'm Ogasawara!" I smiled and greeted them "I'm Azumi Mikan!" They giggled and we started to get to know each other. I didn't even notice my 'brothers' walk on the bus until "AAHHHHHHH!" I covered my ears and saw all the girls gathering around my brothers. I sighed and tried to blend in with the other people.

But no Koko, Kitsu and Yuu had to sit behind me "HEY MIKAN!" I frowned and then saw my two new friends looked at me puzzlingly "How do Yome Kokoro, Kitsuneme and Tobita Yuu know you?" I was confused with their last names and said "They are my old friends" They nodded, but I didn't understand why Koko, Kitsu and Yuu had a different last name. I then realised how did they know their names "Hey how do you know these three?" They giggled and said "Well they are close friends with Hyuuga Natsume and Nogi Ruka" I then asked how they knew them and they just burst out laughing "Are you dumb Mikan-chan there are super hot so obviously they'd be talked about all over Japan, even if they did go to a public school!" I nodded and then the bus started and we were on our way to our new school. The school was so big and really grand, I stepped out and stared in awe at the school and then saw my brothers beside me I frowned and walked to the doors of the school and then saw a figure.

I went closer and closer to see what it was and it was my uncle NARUMI! I ran to him and he pulled me into a hug he put me down and smiled "I'M YOUR HOME ROOM TEACHER!" I smiled and then he gave me my schedule and the number of my locker and the code for the locker. I smiled and he told me to wait for the other new students I was going to enter class with.

I was so nervous I didn't know what to say or how I should act, but the one thing I feared the most was if I was going to be in the same class as my brothers...

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