II: Everything

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Life is complex. Love is complex. In many ways the two words are one and the same. People can pleasantly surprise you, as much as love can. Love can keep you going just like the people around you can. People can please you, luring you into a false sense of security before breaking you at the last moment. People can hurt you, but love can hurt you much, much more. Remember this, it will come in handy in your future... A lesson I had to learn myself.


It had been two weeks since we'd teamed up with Torchwick. I sat on top of a warehouse avoiding work and looking at the clouds, not out of boredom, just losing myself in thought about them. Neo poked her face over mine and blocked my view, trying to study me intently. She held a scroll over me and I had to squint to read it.

"What you doing?" It read.

"Thinking." I said.

She pulled back for a moment to type before leaning back over me.

"What about?"

"Clouds." I answered.

She pulled back again to type something else.

"What about them?"

"Would you believe me if I said I was jealous?" I asked.

She tilted her head like confused puppy.

"They're untouchable. They never have to worry about anyone harming them. They can do whatever they want so high up where no one could possibly hurt them. Clouds can bring rain and sustain life everywhere. Everybody owes them for life, yet they ask for nothing in return. Even when they destroy, nobody hates them for long. They're like gods. Untouchable. What I'd give to be like them." I contemplated.

"That's stupid"

"And? It's true, at least to me." I argued.

"You're untouchable"

"No. I've been hurt more than you think. My semblance is too destructive. I've destroyed entire cities with it. Eventually huntsman caught up to me, from villages I'd wrecked while they were away. They were almost too powerful for me to beat. I was bloody and bruised when Cinder found me. If she hadn't promised me safety, I would have let myself die there. All I wanted to do was stop. I never meant to destroy stuff, but after my semblance activated the first time, when I couldn't control it, all people could do was hate me. I've been shot, stabbed, and beaten more times than I can count. Cinder is the only one who can help me. All I have to do is destroy what she wants. Nobody owes me anything. All I can do is bring destruction to wherever I go. And all I get for it is hate, but I'm safe. We all follow her for a reason. When nobody else wants us, she does. Cinder is the reason we're alive. I... I look at the clouds and I see what she can make me. Untouchable, everything I want to be." I said, leaving myself completely opened for the first time, well, ever.

I could feel the scars on my body tingle as I monologued.

"Why are you telling me this?" Neo typed.

"I don't know, I guess it's because I know you won't tell anyone."

Neo stared at me for a moment, looking into my soul. She pulled back again to type something, putting her scroll over me when she finished.

"You're my cloud" It read.

"I don't follow."

"I owe you everything. Nobody helped me until you. I wouldn't know Cinder if not for you. You're untouchable to me. I want to be like you." She typed.

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