Harry Potter AU

214 6 48

Age: 16
House: Hufflepuff
Wand: Sycamore Unicorn hair core 11"
Patronus: Dapple Gray Mare
Position: Student, year 6

Age: 16
House: Gryffindor
Wand:Holly wood with a Dragon heartstring core 12 ½" and Unbending flexibility
Patronus: Wolf
Position: Student, Year 6

Age: 15
House: Slytherin
Wand: Hazel wood with a dragon heartstring core 12 3/4" and unbending flexibility
Patronus: Wildcat
Position: Student, Year 5

Age: 16
House: Slytherin
Wand: Pear wood with unicorn hair core 11¼" and reasonably supple flexibility.
Patronus: West highland terrier
Position: Student, year 6

Age: 15
House: Hufflepuff
Wand: Ashwood with a dragon heartstring core 12½" with brittle flexibility
Patronus: Sparrowhawk
Position: Student, year 5

Age: 16
House: Gryffindor
Wand: Alder with Phoenix feather core, 12" and extreme flexibility
Patronus: Dragon to
Position: Student, year 6

Age: 16
House: Hufflepuff
Wand: Dogwood with unicorn hair core 11" and brittle flexibility.
Patronus: Stag
Position: Student, year 6

Age: 16
House: Slytherin
Wand: Aspen with Dragon heartstring core, 10½" and unbending flexibility
Patronus: Puma
Position: Student, year 7

Age: 16
House: Hufflepuff
Wand: Apple with unicorn hair core, 11" and slight flexibility
Patronus: Brown Bear
Position: student, year 6

Age: 16
House: Ravenclaw
Wand: Cedar with Dragon heartstring core 10" and slight flexibility
Patronus: Shark
Position: Student, year 6


"Accio broom!" Skylar called as she got to the center of the field.

Her broom whizzed from the broom cabinet and in front of her.

The Nimbus 1000 was an old thing, but she got every last bit of speed out of it.

Angie came out with her very expensive Firebolt.

"I honestly wish the game wasn't on a Saturday... I have a life." She mumbled as she fixed the bristles.

"And that life consists of being stuck in a broom closet with Adam Rupp." Sky taunted.

"You would understand if you confessed to a certain someone."

"Please. We both know he only has eyes for Eileen."

"Aha. Funny. She's with Alex, remember?"


The voice of Madame Hooch cut through their mumblings.

"Alright, players! I want a fair match!" She said, listing off the rules.

Sky made eye contact with Eileen, a friend of theirs on the Gryffindor team.

Who they were playing against.

Eileen's eyes were narrow, and hard with concentration.

Angie smirked, waving a bit, knowing full well she was not going to get a reply.

Sky looked to the bleachers, smiling at the fact all of her friends had sat in the middle of the Hufflepuff and Gryffindor sides.

They waved enthusiastically, which she returned.

Finally, as she had just focused, the sound of a whistle pierced the air.

The brooms flew, and Sky held her bat ready, while Angie went to guard the rings.

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