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Now y'all, there's some weird stuff on here....

This is made simply for the laughs.

"I'm not wearing that." Tim growled as Eileen held up a hat with a feather sticking out of it.

"Tim, your the narrator. You have to dress like a squire." She huffed, getting up on a stool and putting it on his head.

"I'll look like an idiot!" He snapped as Eileen fixed the strands of hair.

"Austin is sitting behind stage right now getting hair and make up done in a purple dress. Do you want to switch places?" Angie said firmly with narrowed eyes.

"Uhm... No ma'am." He gulped.

"That's what I thought." She smirked, grabbing the make up and finding a tone to match his skin.

Your probably wondering what is going on.

Well, Luke got the band to volunteer for a fundraiser at a children's hospital. They were reenacting Rapunzel.

Tim was immediately given the part of narrator, seeing as 'Story Time With Tim'.

Chance wanted to be the villian, so they casted him as the witch, and he quickly agreed, knowing it would get a good laugh out of everyone.

Rob got the part of dragon, seeing as he didn't want many lines.

Adam got the part of the prince, even though it wasn't really a prince, he counted it as one.

And Austin....

Oh Austin.

Everyone agreed, except for him, that with his longer hair and thin figure, that he would make a perfect Rapunzel.

Currently, Austin was sitting impatiently in the dressing rooms as Sky did his make up.

"The dress flatters you." Alex piped up.

"Don't. Just. Don't." Austin moped.

"Don't pout. It'll screw up my lip liner." Sky reprimanded.

Brea was behind them, adding the necessary extensions on his hair. She turned and grabbed the tiara, before setting it atop his head.

"Alright, Rob's next." Alex said, going to fetch said bearded man.

Rob came in the room smiling with a dragon costume on him.

"Talk about a bearded dragon.." Brea quipped, earning a snort from Sky.

They didn't have to do much other then the usual make up, before Chance came in with a scraggly robe on.

His short hair was hidden underneath a skull cap, looking like a classic baba yaga.

Normal makeup, besides experimenting with contour to make it seem like he had more wrinkles.

Adam had normal makeup done by Angie, getting the simple stuff done, and then they were ready to go.


"Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair, so I can climb the golden stair!" Adam called, watching as the braid of rope fell from the window, an embarrassed Austin peeking out.

"I am the dragon! I guard this tower!" Rob roared, jumping from behind the cardboard building.

"I shall defeat thee, dragon!"

Adam took out a flimsy plastic sword, pretending to duel the dragon, before, seeing as it was a children's play, befriending him.

Adam went up to the tower, said the rest of his lines, and Austin did the same.

"Oh, how I wish I could see the world." Austin sighed, using a higher pitch then usual.

Adam had to hide a laugh as he replied.

"My dear, I can show you! Just come with me!" Adam said, his voice cracking slightly at Austin's glare.

Austin pretended to think it over for a minute, before the a clock noise chimed.

"Oh dear! The witch will be here soon! You must leave!" Austin rushed, shooing Adam to the braid of pretend hair.

"I shall be back, dearest Rapunzel!" Adam said, sliding down the rope.

Oh gosh it was so great.

A few minutes later, Chance came and climbed up the rope.

He, or the witch, found out Austin, Rapunzel, had had a visitor.

When Adam returned, he called the usual mantra, watching in satisfaction as a rope fell from the window.

He climbed it, only to be shocked at the sight of the 'witch'.

They went through their spiel, ending in Adam using his sword to kill the witch, making all of the children in the theater yell in triumph.

He used the hair that the witch had cut off, grabbing a very frustrated looking Austin around the waist and climbing down.

By the end, Sky and Alex were in tears of laughter.

They did the curtain call, everyone bowing and smiling at the cheers.

"You weigh literally nothing." Adam said incredulously as he took off his cap.

"Never again." Austin huffed, kicking off the pumps he was forced to wear.

"It was so worth it for the kids though." Eileen smiled warmly.

"True..." He hummed.

"Congrats, guys! The kids loved it!" Luke said, beaming as he came in.

"Please tell me somebody recorded at least some of it." Alex groaned.

"Every. Last. Second." Skylar giggled, holding up her phone.

"You little..." Tim growled, making her dash for it. He chased after her, yelling profanities.


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