Cops and Robbers

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Okay, so I had this idea the other day out of the blue.

Recently, I also watched a video that I found pretty cool, so I've KINDA integrated it.

Oh well.

Jake Paul will never know.

ANYWAYS, hope you enjoy, lovelies!


Cops: Rob, Tim, Adam, Angie, Avi

Robbers: Austin, Alex, Brea, Eileen, Chance, Sky


"C'mon, down here!" Alex urged, pulling Chance into the alley way.

"Tim's on our tail!" Brea hissed, hearing him shouting orders.

The thieves knew all of the officers by now... Having lived lives of petty crime, they became the usual customers of the men and woman in blue.

Of course, now, they couldn't afford to get caught.

Austin held out a hand from where he was, hanging off the side of the ladder leading to the roof of the building.

"We need to get back to HQ!" Sky said from beside Austin, hauling a bag of stolen goods.

Alex tripped, but Eileen helped him up, before they both attempted the jump to the stairwell.

They heard the sirens blaring, and knew they had to hurry.

It took some effort, but the group finally made it too the top.

Eileen peered over the edge, seeing the cop cars driving past the building. She quickly ducked back, crouching under the ledge, and nodding to the others.

"They're gone."

Brea seethed to herself, before violently throwing the sack she held across the roof.

"I hate this!" She yelled, running a hand through her short, black hair.

"No one likes it any more then you do." Alex sighed, kicking a pebble.

"It used to be we do something stupid. We get a few days in a cell. We get out. It was fun!" She exclaimed.

"It's different now." Chance said, monotone. "We get caught, we get killed."

"I think we all realize that, Chance." Eileen snapped, adjusting her beanie.

"Calm down, leen. It's not his fault." Austin said, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Getting caught makes you a weak link in his articulate system. The boss can't afford that." Sky sighed, running a hand through her purple hair.

"Ha! Boss!" Alex chuffed. "He's a coward. A little sleazeball."

"He's also manipulative and sneaky. How do you think he became a gang leader in less then a year? He's smart." Chance pointed out.

"If only we could leave-"

"You know what will happen if we do, Austin." Sky cut off.

"People will die." Brea said grimly.

Sky bit her lip, avoiding eye contact with anyone. Her entire family was on the line.

"I haven't seen my mom in ages..." Brea sighed, looking off to where the police lights were flashing a few blocks down.

"If she knew what was happening, she would encourage you to lay low." Chance assured.

"If she knew." The teen scoffed, picking up the sack she had thrown.

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