This is kinda fishy....

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Jason Mamoa has influenced me.



"Catch me if you can!" Eileen called behind her.

"Oh, let's go!" Sami yelled back, dodging the coral on the seafloor.

Sami moved her bright yellow tail ferociously against the current, catching up the with the copper tailed redhead.

"I'll beat all of y'all!" Sky teased, going through small holes in the coral walls. Her silvery gray tail shimmered as she surpassed Brea.

"As if!" Alex teased, twisting around, and narrowly dodging a school of fish.

"Last to divers cove has to take a shot of fish oil!" Brea declared. She used her powerful black tail to surpass Jenika, who got slightly distracted, swimming face first into Kelsey.

The two pink tailed girls sank to the seafloor, slightly dizzy.

"What are y'all doing this time?" Kelsey asked, regaining her equilibrium.

"Racing. Gotta go, by!" The hyper mermaid said quickly, jetting off.

"Uh... Jen... They went that way..." Kelsey said weakly, watching as Jenika made a sloppy turn and raced off.

"Thanks, Kels!"

"I'll catch a tide and meet you guys there!" Kelsey called.


Alex made it first, to no one's surprise. The merman was known for his speed, with his crazy tail that was a series of different colors, almost like a rainbow. Sami got second, then Brea, then Sky, then Eileen. Jenika took a bit, but she did get there.

Kelsey caught one of the large tides, pulling her to Divers Cove.

She brought a basket of kelpcakes for her friends, and they sat around, chatting.

Sky dared to scoot onto the sand of the cove, only her fins in the water.

"That's a little dangerous..." Eileen observed. Sky ignored, digging her fingers into the sand.

"What if humans come, Sky? It's dangerous." Alex warned.

"As if. It's too cold for humans." She scoffed.

"It's warming up, though. Humans sometimes come even if it's a little chilly." Kelsey said, eyes darting to the forest and back to her friend.

Sami disregarded the advice, dragging herself next to Sky.

"The sun feels soooo goooooood!" Sami giggled, and Sky had to agree.

"Y'all are stupid." Brea scoffed.

Just then, they heard a branch snap, and voices were heard.

"I told you!" Kelsey whisper yelled, reaching out to Sami, who took her hand.

Sky reached for Alex, who pulled her back into the water.

They darted to the open water, escaping.


"You guys are so incredibly stubborn!" Angie scolded the group. "You know it's not smart to go to divers cove this time of year."

"It was my fault..." Brea said solemnly.

"It wasn't!" Sky defended. "We all agreed to go."

"Sky's right." Alex nodded.

Angie sighed, rubbing her face.

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