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They trekked through the forest, following Avi to the camp he had told them about.

"I dislike this." Sky said, dodging the potholes.

"You just don't trust him." Eileen mused.

"Well, yeah. He broke Austin's leg." Sky scoffed, glancing at the firebender.

"C'mon, Sky! Give him a chance!" Alex said, nudging his small friend.

"Fine, I'll give him a chance. For your sake." Sky relented, nudging her best friend back.

"Thanks, Sky!" He smiled, before running up to the front and striking up a conversation with Avi.


They finally made it to the ridge. Avi held a finger to his lips, knowing how temperamental his friends could be.

"Alright... I'll go ahead. I'll call back when we're good."

Tim nodded, making the others back away as Avi climbed to the top of the ridge, and they heard him greet someone.

"Avi!" A voice called happily, and they heard Avi chuckle.

"Hey, Adyn. Where are the others?"

"Nate is getting firewood with Geoff. Jay and Eli are working on another hut, and Layne and Ash are cooking." They said.

"Well, uh, you're gonna have to tell him to make more..." Avi chuckled nervously.


"I found a camp of benders, and I convinced them to come."

At the cue, the others peeked out, waving at them.

The person that Avi had been talking too had short reddish hair, and dressed in fire nation uniform.

"Oh, you found more people??" They bounced excitedly, running up and holding out their hand.

"This is Adyn. They help me control these idiots." Avi chuckled, jutting a thumb behind the group to see another group of people.

The strangers came up, rather friendly.

"Hi, I'm Eli!" A bald one said. He was rather short, and had spectacles on the bridge of his nose. He had Airbender tattoos, signifying he was one of the monks, or was at one time.

"I'm Earl." One said with a much higher voice then expected. He had a bulk form, and wore earth kingdom uniform.

"I'm J.None, Jay for short, and that's Layne. He doesn't talk much." One with a friendly smile said. Jay had dark skin, and he looked like he was from the water tribe, and Layne dressed similar to him. He smiled shyly, waving.

"And I'm Geoff." The tallest one said with a deep voice. He wore fire nation robes.

"And I'm Nathan, or Nate. Nice to meet you!"

This one was smiley, and bubbly, but had no indication of a tribe.

"Nate is a non-bender, but he's a very good engineer and builder." Avi said, noticing their confusion.

"Hi!" Brea smiled, shaking his hand.

"Ship, ship, ship, shiiiiipppp..." Sky whispered to Alex, who chuckled.

"Layne and I are gonna go fix more dinner." Jay said, he and Layne waving as they left.


Over the next few weeks, the group bonded well. Brea and Nate became fast friends, and soon started courting. Avi and Alex grew much closer then expected, but no one was complaining.

"Alright, time for a bit of basic hand to hand combat training." Nate said, earning groans from the others. "Come on, you guys. If you encounter a chi-blocker, what're you gonna do? Slap them to death?"

"Thou underestimates my power." Sky quipped from her spot, lounging under the tree with her head in Austins lap.

"I could just go get Angie-"

"Coming, Sensei Potato!" Sky rushed, jumping up from her spot.

On the other end of the field, Eileen and Rob were helping Avi build more huts for the group.

"A little taller." Avi hummed.

Eileen groaned, stomping into the dirt. The wall rose a few more inches, and Avi nodded in approval.

Rob dragged his finger along the wall, shaping a square, before he punched the center of the shape, and a chunk of rock fell out, forming a window.

"The window was supposed to be on this side...?" Avi said meekly.

Angie chuckled as she and Adam walked by Rob throwing a small fit. They continued to the largest building, their town hall, if you will.

Adyn and Alex were working on plans for another house. They planned to make one for each bender type, having their separate rooms inside, and Nate choosing whichever house he wanted to stay in.

Geoff and Tim were in their self made forge, working on plans Nate had designed, Jay and Layne on standby in case the two reckless fire benders set fire to anything.... again.

For once in their lives, the benders felt at peace. They were finally free, hidden away from their enemies.

UnTiL tHe FiRe NaTiOn AtTaCkEd-

I'm kidding, I'm kidding XD

Hope ya'll enjoyed the rather uneventful chapter. I tried to end it as best I could.

Home Free ≠ The Misfits - One ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon