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This is for grins and giggles, really. I had this idea while playing Beat Sabers with my cousins VR the other day.

"What's a... VR?" Tim questioned Chance and Adam as they set up the play area.

"You put on this," Adam held up the headset, "and it covers your eyes. Inside is a screen and headphones."

"And the purpose of it is...?" Rob asked, watching Chance start messing with settings.

"For fun. You'll see when you put it on." Chance said.

They set the boundaries, and adjusted the height.

The group was currently at Adams house in Minnesota, seeing as they were recording a few days prior.

"Oh! Is this the new system?!" Sami chirped as she bounced in, her adopted son Alex trailing behind at a more moderate pace.

"Sure is, love!" Chance said, standing up to give her a quick kiss.

"Are you going to want to play?" Adam asked.

"Nah, I get motion sickness really easily." She waved off, but then planted herself on the couch. "I'll watch and laugh at your fails, though."


"I'd rather sit and laugh with mom." He shrugged, sitting next to his mother.

"Eileen, Brea, and Angie are on their way with Sky, and I'm not sure they'll wanna play."

"Oh, Sky will. She's been talking about it for weeks." Adam snorted.

"Speaking of, why isn't she here?" Austin asked.

"Well, Ericha doesn't want me leaving Sky here by herself, so she made me bring her to her house."

"The poor girl must be miserable." Tim groaned.

"I'm going to be completely honest... I am 100% content with being divorced from her." Adam sighed.

Chance downloaded a few games, including Beat Sabers, Ghost Mountain, Job Simulator, and a few others.

There was a knock on the door, and Austin bolted to open it.

"Momma Angie!" He exclaimed, throwing his arms around her.

She had become a second mom to the group. Like a tour mom, but better.

"Aww, ya missed me?" The short woman chuckled.


Eileen bolted in, shivering.

"It's so dang cold I might as well be an ice cube." She hissed.

Alex quickly scooped her up, kissing her softly before sitting on the couch with her in his lap.

"Warm now?" He cooed.

"Mhm." She hummed, snuggling into his chest.

Brea came in after, hauling a bag, which Adam assumed to be Skylar's.

"Sky's coming, she's just grabbing her last bag." Brea said, tossing the luggage by the door.

"Father!" Skylar yelled as she ran in, dropping her bag and runninh into Adams arms.

"Hey, kiddo! How you doing?"

"I want to move into one of the dorms on campus. Ericha is being a major crabby biotch." The 19 year old deadpanned.

"SKYLAR RAY RUPP!" Rob exclaimed.

"What?! She is!" Sky defended.

"Trust me, hon. I would put you there if I could, but-"

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