Chapter 1

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"Corporal!" He shouted, running to the left. "Corporaaal!!!" He called out again, turning to the right. "Corporaaaalllll!!!!!!" His last call echoed in the dining room. The kid's face had lightened up, seeing his captain who's refusing to look at the sweaty mess.

"Eren, it's so early in the morning. What are you yapping about?" As usual, at the same time, at the same place, the same chair, sat Levi Ackerman, drinking the same tea, in the same cup, in the same position.

"What color should I wear?" Eren held up two briefs, one black and one white.

"What do you mean you should w-WHAT THE HELL?!" He finally looked at the boy.

"Hahahahahaha! Corporal, so early in the morning and your face is sour." Eren went to Levi's right side so that he can see that the brunette is not stark naked and is now making his captain choose his undergarments. "That was hysterical though." He giggled.

"It's not a funny joke to pull on me, kid." Levi hissed, clearly angry but then his face turns soft. Eren put his chair beside Levi's and sat very comfortably.

"Gehe~" He widely smiled only to feel pain in his cheeks caused by his superior. "C-Cowpowaaall, it huwwtssh!!"

Levi sighed and stared at Eren, rubbing his now reddish cheeks in pain. Mumbling things like 'meanie' and 'oldie'. The kid has a death wish.

"You're idiotic." Levi says and gets a sincere smile from Eren. He lifted his hand and caressed the boy's face. Eren purred and let Levi's hand be his rest. "And clingy, like a dog." Eren closes his right eye as Levi's hand hovers over. "And cute, like a cat." Eren purrs in reply.

"MUST. CONTAIN. MIZELF. EURGHHH..." Another voice entered.

"Hanji!" Eren says in excitement, contradicting Levi's killer aura.

She then materializes behind a pillar with blood oozing out from her nose. "Can't help it Levi. This is too adorable."

"You got something to say, shitty glasses?" He's really pissed off now.

"Ohhhh you always want to cut to the chase. Ya killjoy." Hanji flips her hands in the air then looks at Eren. "Yo Eren! We need to train today. Moblit's gonna assist."

"O-oh. Yeah, sure."


Before they disappeared into the hallways, Eren left a smile to say goodbye. Levi blushed and chuckled, realizing just how fast Eren was able to cure his bad morning. Well, every morning's bad, Eren makes them better. Yeah, he's the cure to all Levi's problems.


"Corporaaaalll!!!" Running to the right, running to the left, right again, and he has arrived at his captain's quarters. Eren busted the door open and rushed to Levi, busy doing paperwork, probably analyzing formations.

"Even at night, really? Seriously?" He tries to shake Eren off. It was already midnight. This guy's way too energetic, he thought. He knew Hanji would take Eren 24 hours, guess not anymore.

"Black or white?" The brunette asks. He was trying to get the corporal's attention but he'd just look away.

"Ha." He scoffs, feeling proud ignoring the eccentric brat. And finally, when he's about to settle his eyes on him, "I won't be fooled anymore, you little sh-"

Eren was fidgeting and murmuring non-understandble sentences."W-what...At least say something..." His face was furiously red.

And so was the flabbergasted guy sitting on the chair.


"WHY WAS I NOT INFORMED OF ANY OF THIS?!" Scary Levi mode, always switched on.

"Eeeekk!!" Eren shrieks. "I-I-I-It was t-the commanderrr..." He's scared to look at the captain's eyes, so they drifted on to the two suits that were neatly placed and folded on Levi's bed.

'Erwin. Of course.' Levi mouths. He was sitting on his chair while Eren was sitting on the floor, traditional Japanese way of sitting.

"Corporal...t-this is a one time thing. The king is celebrating his birthday s-so...he wants every deparment, the whole three departments to come." He tries to explain. "Ah but of course the Stationary Guard are not gonna attend. The Military Police will have to be outside the castle too, they need guards. So the Recon"

Sigh. Levi loves to sigh. "Do you want it?" Eren quickly looks up. "Do you want to go?"

"Y-yes!" Eren happily answers. Even if he hates the guts of these pigs, his curiosity of luxurious food and other stuff must be satisfied.

Yet another sigh. "Then the white one would suit you best." You'll look like my bride that way.

"Corporal is coming too, right?!"

Levi messes up Eren's hair. "Shitty brat. Of course I will. I need to watch you." And manages to smile, the smile that makes Eren heat up and go crazy. Like a girl meeting her crush. "25/8." He was probably trying to crack a joke.

Eren laughs even so, "Hahahaha..jeez..what's that supposed to mean? Hahaha!"

"Yeah.." Levi whispers, leaning down and resting his forehead on Eren's. "Mm.."

The brunette blushed. Ah~ah...I can't wait for tomorrow... "Corp-...L...L-Levi...I've always...liked.." Eren mutters. "Always l-liked..y...y-y.." But it's quiet. Too quiet.

"Zzz.." Eren's stoned. "Zzzzzz...hubbaeurghh..krgh...zzz..." Corporal fell asleep?! WHY?! WHY NOW OF ALL TIMES?! WWWWWWWWWHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?????!!!!!!

To My Dearest 【Ereri/Riren】(Eren x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now