Chapter 11

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"Wha-why hasn't he regenerated?! He's supposed to be fine already! It's already been hours, right?!" He shouted in frustration, trying to get out of the blankets, trying to put his feet onto the ground but a brunette holds his shoulders, his arms, and immobilizes him.

 "Levi---" Hanji says, doing her best to get inside of the man's head. Trying to search for the man she used to know in his eyes. Even when the only object his eyes are paying attention to, is Eren.

"LET GO! LET GO!!!" The corporal thrashes his arms, "DON'T TRY TO CALM ME THE FUCK DOWN--" He screams at Hanji. Then his eyes finally shifted to another being, and bore into her and she felt guilty as those were once as hard as steel, now it was just empty and pleading for his dearest thing to come back to him. As Levi's eyes transfer back to Eren did they widen more than ever, "DO SOMETHING!" He begs. "HANJI!!!"

The woman wearing glasses couldn't speak. She was silent despite all the painful screams the man in front of her, who used to be so calm and collected all the time, was releasing for the very first time. Levi was wrecked and broken.

"FOR FUCK'S SAKE HANJI! HANJI DO SOMETHING--HE'S--HE'S---!!!!" The corporal couldn't stay still. Suddenly, behind the door materializes a person who takes the reluctant Hanji away. "NO!!! ERWIN FUCK YOU! LET GO OF HANJI!! SHE NEEDS TO HELP EREN! SHE HAS TO HEAL HIM RIGHT FUCKING NOW YOU---" Levi runs to the door only to be shut behind it. He punched the door, hoping it would open---this really was unlike the sergeant. He was never this afraid, he was never this frail to look at, he was never one to be this desperate and never was one to look this 'pathetic'. "ERWIN! FUCK YOU! I'LL KILL YOU FOR SURE THE NEXT TIME I----"

"Hei..chou.." The squeaking cracking voice made the black-haired guy flinch who was on the verge of going crazy. As soon as the captain realizes it, he rushes to the side of the bed wherein his bratty subordinate lies, the person whose voice was almost dead as the actual person.

"N-no..No..Shhh…" Levi holds the brunette's left hand and squeezes it tightly, "Don't speak…don't speak..Eren…" And puts it to his lips.

"Hei…chou…" The teen continues to call out, with his right hand trying to reach his lover's face. He failed every time as he waved his hand, not being able to find his captain.

"Shhh.. shh… I'm here, I'm here. I won't go anywhere, I won't go, Eren, okay? Y-you're not going anywhere…Eren!" Unbelievably, water-like substance streamed down Levi's face tear by tear. And with every second his tears keep overflowing more and more. 

Time seemed to betray the lovers. And the god Levi denies its existence, he denies it more strongly now. It's true that they did not deserve this.


"Why did we have to do that…We destroyed a bond….Erwin!!! We didn't just kill one person, WE KILLED THE BOTH OF THEM!"

"Levi and Eren…are two pieces needed to complete a puzzle. Problem is, they're the same thing, but only one spot is left. If Eren disappears, Levi wouldn't think of leaving this place anymore, he'll never get tired of despising the giants, he'll have a motive---he'll make himself think Eren's dead. If you have noticed, he's been pretty lenient lately, weak I might say. If Eren's death awakens him, he'll go back to the cold, merciless, and strong man. I've known him for a long time, they were about to flee during the expedition. As for the fate of the child, it's a sacrifice I was willing to take but was not prepared for. I never thought he'd lose his supernatural powers. The cart was meant to take Eren and hold him captive somewhere in the outside forces until Levi comes back to his usual self before he met Eren. It's a shame, it really is."

"For humanity, you were willing to go that far, huh…" Erwin loosens his grip on Hanji. "Well I'm sorry, I quit." Both of them stood speechless in the shadows of the darkness that loomed around the corridors without a single spark of a candle.


"You were always running from here and there in the were also a scatterbrain." Levi speaks as his tears wet his cheeks. "You'd disobey orders when you doubt're kind of stupid because of even fell in love with's the greatest thing that ever happened to me though, you know that?" He couldn't stop sobbing. Right then, Eren pushes himself to the man beside him. "HEY!!! YOUR WOUNDS---" He catches him.

"I-I'm alright...I'm going anyways..." The little brunette says, his eyes also getting watery. "So listen for a while," he murmurs.

"NO!!" The bloodflow in Eren's wounds were worsening. Despite the bandages, it was not enough. "E-!!!"

"LISTEN TO ME!" Somehow, he got to scream some sense.

Levi froze.

"It's okay. I'll be fine. It's okay. It's okay." It can't be okay. I'm not fine. "I'll be fine. It's okay...I'm glad corporal is here...It's enough..." It's not enough. It's not. "Please smile...for me..I don't want the last thing I see be you crying..." I always want to see you smiling..but I also don't want this to be our last meeting... 

Levi tried to smile, then embraced the boy gently.

"I'll be there for you...So please don't be sad..." Even though no one will be there for me, even though I'll be crying forever, even though I'll be in pain for eternity...I don't want the person I love to be in my state... "Thank you for everything and I'm sorry for everything...I'm really happy...despite the blood and're still hugging me tightly..." And I'm scared stiff that you're gonna let me go, so scared that I won't ever be able to be with you again! I don't want this! I hate this! I wanted to be with you longer, I wanted to know you more, I wanted to do lots of things with you..! "Please...forget me after this..." No, no, no..Please don't..I know you'll be in pain...but please don't forget me I beg of you.... "I love you...." It hurts so frightens me............Levi..........please don't leave me...don't go...don't fade away.....

"No, Eren wait! My second wish...don't die..please..that's my second wish....Eren..." Levi says but he didn't respond, "DON'T GO TO THAT PLACE YET, EREN, DON'T---" He grits his teeth, the fact that he was useless sank in.

"You can' can't expect me to forget you..." Eren's vision became blurry and soon pitch black enveloped everything. After releasing his last words from his mouth, Levi gently kisses the boy, before his last breath escapes from his lips, before those once rosy lips now chapped, broke into a sheepish smile.

"I know you better than anyone..." The corporal hangs his head.

"I bet I knew 50% of what you actually wanted to say..." He stares at Eren's shirt.

Levi buried his face in the crook of Eren's neck.

"I love you...shitty brat...." His voice cracked up, his hands clenching Eren's clothing, and his tears rapidly overflowing.

Everything has already ended.












A/N: this is not the last chapter yet guys

To My Dearest 【Ereri/Riren】(Eren x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now