Chapter 9

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"Hey Eren....." Levi mumbles, "You are an adorable idiot." The older male said to the once small boy in front of him, now a huge creature. Before a batch of new titan shifters could catch Eren, the teenager had listened to what his superior said, bit his hand, and transformed into a titan.

If this is corporal then that...That was...that was close. I almost got taken by them..., he speaks to himself after being aware of his corporal's presence. Since Eren was in his titan form, he could not speak. In response to Levi who was hanging from his fringes, he groans instead. He hears a low chuckle from his captain, "Because they tried to steal what's mine, I'll annihilate them!!!"

Simultaneously, Eren and Levi scream and start to head off into the battlefield. Erwin and Hanji are nowhere to be seen as usual; they go missing everytime it all starts to get blurry.

The raven haired man went up to the back of a 13-meter aberrant titan, You'll have a piece of my mind, Erwin..., and slices off the chunk of meat from its nape with anger. The blood splatters on Levi, whose forehead is wrinkled, but later evaporates. It was, again, another gamble of that freaking commander. To the point of risking Eren's life---what the hell was his problem? He knew how much the kid was important to Levi (and humanity), he knew something like this would happen...but after all that could be said and done---the corporal couldn't help but ponder over as to why Erwin Smith decided to manipulate Eren and Levi's feelings for each other. What was supposed to happen? Get Levi to go full blast or get him to be 'broken'; whether Eren dies or his life is threatened to the max, just like a few moments ago.


It was almost endless. The boys had killed more than your fingers could count, toes altogether. The captain was nearing to the last ounce of gas he had left. And Eren was just as exhausted and tired as Levi was. At that moment, the corporal decided to hide themselves. It was the right thing to do because it seemed that everybody needed to kidnap the poor kid. With the last of his fuel, he went to the long-haired titan, kneeling, and cut open the back of its neck to fetch the supposedly snot-nosed boy.

He picks up the unconscious brat after slicing away the muscles that were still attached to his body and they flew off to a rundown abandoned house near the other big forests surrounding humanity's last line of defense which were the walls. Its trees weren't 60 meters high but it was wide and it was perfect, enough for any coverage from any kind of entity.


Eren woke up hours later, Levi being his pillow, bed, and blanket. He didn't want to leave the warmth of his lover. He was supposed to go back into that war but for some reason, he decides to spoil himself a little more. Because it's Levi. This was a moment he wished would last forever. Where the arms he felt oh so comfortable with were keeping him safe whilst being cradled in them; the heat-radiating body of the older man helped him keep calm despite the matters stationed in front of them.

Eren had dozed off again a few minutes later and after he'd done so, Levi followed to wake up to the sound of the owls crooing. Night had fallen and he hoped the men had either gone back or stayed in the ruins of a certain castle. It's only natural so they can rest before the titans get active again because of the light. Subsequently, the captain speculated and analyzed the minimum data he'd gathered over the past hours which have been no help at all. The force and effort the soldiers had exerted have come to a standstill----so if the gods are out there, the night will be peaceful.

"Mmn.." Eren groans. It brought a corner of Levi's lips to a curve.

"I admit it shitty brat, I would have still chosen you over those pesky humans..." The corporal says while trailing his fingers on the brunette's chocolate-ish hair. "I had come to value you more than anything...So if I Iose you," His hands cupped the teen's soft cheeks, "I'll lose everything......."

To My Dearest 【Ereri/Riren】(Eren x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now