Chapter 5

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March 31st. It was a day like any other, filled with unforgettable moments and that obviously talks about all those times with Levi.

Eren inhaled and exhaled, sighing in the process. He was standing in front of the mirror since, probably, midnight. Nerve-wrecked and clueless of what was going to happen, the kid finally decided to rest his feet and get something to satisfy his upset stomach.

Alone in the dining room and fallen asleep was how the captain found his little puppy. About 10 minutes after Eren had his eyes closed did Levi arrive at the doorway, forehead wrinkled.

8am: Levi carries Eren back to his room and onto his bed.

9am: Levi cleans Eren's room.

10am: Levi goes to his own room and gets a little something for Eren to wake up to.

11am: Levi takes his time to cook for Eren when he wakes up.

12nn: Eren wakes up and Levi has fallen asleep after exhausting himself.

I thought we could go out and stroll around the cities...but if corporal's like this, I don't mind. After all, I seldom see his sleeping face. Eren says while watching close-up.

Suddenly, Levi's eyes flickered open and Eren was frozen stiff.

"Oi...brat..." The black haired man says gruffly.

"I-I-I-I-I wasn't doing a-anything!!" The brunette backs away fast and moves his hands right and left, right and left, thinking that it would help Levi not misunderstand.

"..." He was staring at Eren, acting weird and flustered and flushed with crimson red colors. Levi rubbed the back of his neck and mumbled, "Why do you have to be so cute..??"

Eren didn't hear anything. And since he was so off-guard, Levi took the chance and kissed him. Ah, it's so hot today.

After Levi was positive Eren's face was pinkish to the neck, he lets go and hears the boy mumble, "Flashbacks...m-my..first..kiss..last month...errr..." and he can't help but chuckle at the awkward teenager.


"I can't believe I wasted half of my birthday." Eren was clearly sad. He swung his arms around while they were walking on top of the wall. He was worn out and depressed, lacking energy. His usual gingery self was so out of the world.

A second later, Levi pushed him off the wall, the only support Eren had was the captain's hold by by his jacket's collar. "Don't look down."

"C-C-CORPORAL WHA-WHA-WHAT ARE YOU DOINGGGG???!!" He exclaims in fear.

"Don't look down." He repeats.


Eren saw Levi's eyes. They weren't looking at him. Levi was looking at what was behind him. The teen turned his head around, to the only point without breaking his neck; and there he saw the most beautiful sunset bombed with explosions of multiple colors that no one could ever see from down below.

He got caught up in the moment so much that he still hasn't noticed the raven haired man already put him back in his place beside him.

"Hey Eren." Levi looks at him, the gorgeous boy was astonished so much to the brink of watery eyes. "We don't know..when titans will get a hold of us...We don't know when all of this will disappear." The brunette repeatedly blinked his eyes, the watery eyes gone from sight to pay close attention to what the captain was saying. "The next expedition will be next year, after we'll gain the 4000 soldiers picked from the garrison and the military police. After the excruciating part of the pain humanity has felt slowly subsides, we'll go back in that field. We'll reclaim what was once ours." Eren nods. "So...I don't want to waste time. It's only been a month since we started officially going out. But we've already had feelings for each other since last year. I don't want to rush in on some kid...but with the given situation and limited time we have----I don't care for anything anymore."

"I'm listening, corporal...but with that long speech, we'll reach our rooms at night and it's pretty hard to commute at lights out so we have to---" The blushing brunette pulled Levi by the arm but he refused to move from his position.

"Eren. I like you. I like you a lot."

"W-wha...I a-also like corporal...But we really have to---" He still tried to drag Levi.

"I love you, Eren."

"Corporal Levi..." Eren stopped trying. Both of their muscles relaxed.

He was serious. The atmosphere wasn't as heavy as soldiers' deaths. Still, it's not the time for games. Wrong timing.

Eren took the chance to pull the relaxed Levi but instead got a quick painful hammer hit on the head. "LISTEN TO ME, YOU STUPID BRAT!"

"Uwawawawa I'm sorry but Lev---I mean---corporal, it's almost-"

"First wish: Listen to me." Lenient and calm.

Eren recalled the unfair battle and the three unnerving wishes. Thus, nodding and actually really paying attention.

"Eren. This is the worst timing, I mean seriously, after hitting you like that this is really the worst time for proposing, ah freaking god."


"The sunset was supposed to set the mood but you were so focused on our safety, the set up just went downhill."


"What do you mean 'what'?"

"C-corporal..! J-just now..y-you just...said.."

Eren stumbled on his words and couldn't stop the heat emanating from his cheeks. Levi chuckles at the sight and stepped closer to the teenager. He showered kisses upon the brunette,  who's trying to escape the clutches of his superior.

"Eren. Will you marry me?"

Eren bowed.

Is that a no? Is he trying to hide embarrassment?'s a no after all? Levi thinks to himself.

"Mn." He hums in silence.

A yes..!!

To My Dearest 【Ereri/Riren】(Eren x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now