Chapter 7

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There was music banging all around the property of the survey corps. When you get to a certain point in the place, you can actually smell everyone of liquor. They're drunk and full and can puke anytime. There were some singing, some dancing, some eating, some still chugging down champagne.

Eren went out and looked for his captain but alas, as expected, he could not find him. All the squadron leaders were having a meeting about the plan for the formation for the battle tomorrow. Thinking of the event coming the next day, made his heart skip a beat.

I hope the results will change this year. I won't let everyone die. I won't let Levi die.

Eren decided he'd spend the night in his room, just sleeping through the tiresome gathering. It was just a filler for the void that will appear the next day. He need not fret.

The brunette dragged his feet to his quarters, doing his best to be not spotted by anyone. But fate  doesn't care about the kid's feelings---fate doesn't ever care about anyone's feelings---because he felt a hand on his shoulder. Argh...please don't be Hanji, please don't be Hanji...

Slowly he turned his head and much to his surprise, it was Levi. Before he could squeal excitedly, the captain put his hand over Eren's mouth.

"Shush, brat. I escaped the meeting for your sake, you know that?" Eren blushed. Not just the man's words made him chirpy, it was also his voice. The whole day, he didn't get to be with the corporal. He was happy they were given time for the night. Levi withdrew his hand and ruffled Eren's hair. "Strange. You're not angry I left? For all we know, everyone could die tomorrow because the formation's fucked up 'cause a stupid captain disregarded his responsibilities." It was meant as a joke but it was also true. Eren realized it too.

"Oh yeah..." The teen hung his head.

"I was just kidding, come on just laugh at least for m-" Levi tried to clear the misunderstanding gently.

"This is not good, corporal." Eren murmured.

"Look. I won't die. Also, there's no war wherein nobody dies." Levi says as a matter of fact. Because of his persistency, Eren lost his temper.

"I know!" He had raised his voice. Noticing he was angry, he calmed himself down. "I know...That's why I'm telling you to go back there. With you not being busy with me, the deaths will surely decrease." Levi wanted to say something. "Please." Eren's fists were clenched, holding back the pain. Levi saw this and knew of the teenager's sacrifice and just pursed his lips back together, swallowing the words he wanted to say.

Eren watched as Levi turned his back. His somewhat small but built physique grew further away from the brunette's reach. Please don't go. Corporal, please don't. Eren covered his face with both his hands. What am I saying?

The reason why Eren gave up the time with Levi was because he didn't want others to look at him badly. Levi has been everyone's original hope, he was the true and only one. Eren knows all too well that if Levi survives, humanity will not lose all hope. If Eren is the one who only survives, the rampage between walls will surely erect and will cause humanity to destroy itself. In addition to the pain and sadness Eren was feeling, the thoughts of either of them coming back alive alone scared him to death. What if today was actually  the last time we'll see each other?

Levi was not coming back. Eren was sure Levi had already gotten back to the meeting room with Erwin and the others.

"Real or not real?" He mumbles to himself, droplets go down, tear by tear he cries alone in the darkness.

The teen hoped this was just a part of the his usual dreams...sadly, this was reality.

To My Dearest 【Ereri/Riren】(Eren x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now