Chapter 12

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Is it okay

to think

that after every tragedy

there's always a new world

where one can truly live

in a happy ever after?

....It's okay.

It happened to me.

---My third wish...

Let's meet again.


and fall in love all over again..


An icy cold winter weather enveloped the cities. Snow covered the whole country and so did the freezing temperature which greatly affected the people's fashion sense. Well what do you know? It's a normal winter wonderland day. A brown haired boy wearing a jacket and a bonnet entered the school building while he held his bag. As soon as he got in, his bag dropped to the floor, he clasped his hands together, breathed out, and warmed his cheeks with his now warm palms.

"It's cold..."

After changing into his indoor shoes, he proceeded to his empty classroom and sat on his chair. He was always early. And during the times of the morning, it's cold and lonely.

Take me back into your loving arms..

The first day of winter reminded the kid of the feeling he got in the past, a very long long long time ago. The chilly and somewhat restless feeling, being scared, being sad, being empty---the same feelings he gets from his dreams every single night, the same dream over and over again.

Take me away and share again the warmth..

A dream of the galaxy and its stars shining ever so bright in the shadows of the deep dark night. In an isolated place, on the rooftop of an old castle-like structure, Eren shared a blanket with a person he'd always call his captain under the light of a thousand stars. A scene flips forward and a beautiful view of a sunset appeared. The same person, softly and lovingly embracing him, proposed in the most captivating, breathtaking place of all.

But whenever the teenager tried to remember his face, it always seemed to be hazy, as if it was purposely blurred by someone. But he was sure, the man is no less taller than him. His hair...the darkest of the blacks he has seen. Yeah, he was raven-haired. His skin too, was lighter than his own, paler to be exact, but he was gorgeous in every way.

"Eren, are you okay?" The blondie asked as he sat next to the guy sitting by the window.

"Huh? Ah oh, hey Armin.." The brunette replied. "Yeah, I'm fine.."

"Seriously," he sighs, "You always get like this every winter. Even when we were kids."

"What?!" Armin started to get on the teen's nerves, even yesterday Armin was pestering Eren about their projects at school. "Go keep on exag---"

"He's not exaggerating." Mikasa butted in, who sat in front of the teen's desk.

"Just shut up and leave me alone, it's so early in the morning!" Eren continued to argue until-


"You're inside the classroom, shitty brat." The familiar voice blurted that nickname after its owner lightly hit Eren with a thick bundle of papers. 'Shitty brat' funny...The brunette's eyes widened. He looked up to see whose voice it came from, from the substitute teacher. He started to tear up as all the events, all the memories rushed back to him, that is, until he could not take no more and blacked out.

To My Dearest 【Ereri/Riren】(Eren x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now