Bonus Chapter

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"Levi-sensei, when will Petra-sensei recover from her sickness?" A curious student asked before the class ended.

"Don't worry, she'll be back around this week." The man in suit replied.

Simultaneously, the school bell rang and crowds of students dashed through the hallways and rushed to the gates after saying goodbye to their temporary adviser. The only student who was left in the classroom was, obviously, the shitty brat along with his cool teacher. Eren was leaning against the window, looking at his fellow students like ants. It was still the winter season. It was still cold. He observedthem as they left footprints on the snow.

"In a few days, you'll be gone from here, you said..." Eren was sad and slightly angry, folding his arms across his chest. He forgot that his current teacher was just a substitute for Mrs. Petra Bossard. As soon as the raven-haired man heard this, he walked to the distracted pouting boy.

"Are you angry?" Levi asks, nuzzling against the crook of the teen's neck as the brunette jolts. "Sorry about that. But I think that it's better this way, so that we won't have to be that we won't have to take risks," he continues to seductively whisper, "...such as this."

Just then, he pulls Eren in for a hot, rough, and steamy kiss; bringing the brat's face to the reddest shade of red. Seeing this, the older man was amused and happy. A few days later, Petra was back and school went back to being boring without Levi cracking some poop jokes. And somehow, shorty comes back home as the new CEO of a large-scale company he worked for before he went to the school---what could you expect less from a pheromone-inducing gorgeous handsome excellent intelligent perfect guy...


Eren rushed to put on his apron and wake up completely. Today was a free day since all of the teachers went to a conference. It's almost noon and the brunette immediately ran to the spacious kitchen. He grabbed two eggs from the refrigerator and cracked them, putting it in a bowl and mixing it with soy sauce, vegetable oil, and sugar. Setting that aside, he prepared the rice and vegetables in a mold---putting each detail into account and placing the fruits, vegetables, and rice neatly in a lunchbox. He wrapped cloth around it---and it appeared to be the perfect bento from Levi's lover who was unexpectedly girly and like a wife.

Just as Levi was leaving the building, the little brat ran frantically to him, though it looked cute in the older male's eyes.

"Heichō, your lunch..." He said, handing over the delicate-looking box while panting. 

"Aa, thanks, Eren." Levi responds, taking the brat-catching-his-breath's head by his hand and ruffling his hair. Eren is perplexed but later gives in to the flowery scene and embraces his corporal.


Eren has a lot of personalities, that was Levi's conclusion. There was a Sunday wherein they had visited a computer shop that the shitty brat hasn't been going to for a while. The salaryman regrets it so because now Eren was back to the hooked & addicted gamer he was a  few years ago. For a week, he's been coming home late and Levi is worried as hell. Plan A was to convince little Eren. Plan B was to defeat him in his own games. So Plan A was the first he took an action for.

Plan A

"Eren, are you going to that place again?"

"Oh, yeah I am."

"Really? That's been taking a toll on you. Come on, stop this, for me."

"Sorry, gotta go~"

Plan B

"EREN! I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS, YOU LITTLE SHIT. I'll play you at your own game!"



*boom bang bang boom prrrrtatatatatatata*

"What the hell...Levi..."

"So? Come on, let's go."


"It's not that bad losing----"

"It's not that! Look! *points to a poster* There's a tournament going on, if I win over them, I'll get two ticket to Hawaii and you freaking need a break from work!!!"

---it ended with Levi hugging Eren muttering things like 'cute cute cute'---

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Author's Note~~~~~~~~~~~~

I bet this bonus chapter sucks. But I'm still happy 'cause i don't like bad endings. This is just to prove that they are happy already. 

well er um...CHARAAAA~~N~!!!!

i men no. i still want to apologize because i didn't really have much of a cute bonus in this chapter. i promise i'll get better and create even better storylines and bonuses so until then please support me as well~ i hope you try my other (proper) stories as well~

Namely: Scratches (kagehina) - a haikyuu fanfic in abo verse

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