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For two days, Ultra Magnus had been moving about ShadowClan's territory in search of anything that would tell him his family was alive. Thanks to Tigerstar, he took in Ultra Magnus and Wheeljack in without any question.

Sitting in the ShadowClan camp, Ultra Magnus was looking at the kits that were running about the clearing of the camp. Since gaining this body, Ultra Magnus was a bit puzzled with how these cats moved, talked, problem solved and so much more. It was intriguing.

Though as he watched as a few cats, recognizing them as Strikestone, Cloverfoot, Tawnypelt, and her apprentice, Snakepaw were leaving for patrol. The tom had to commend the leader and the clans for such organization.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Wheeljack pad out of the medicine cat den. The wreaker had been injured when Ultra Magnus found him, though the medicine cat, Puddleshine had told them that Wheeljack had stepped on a thorn and that he would be fine. Ultra Magnus watched as Wheeljack moved over to him, limping a little as he went.

"How are you doing soldier?" Ultra Magnus asked as the other tom sat next to him.

"Doing well," Wheeljack meowed, raising his paw to give it a lick.

Ultra Magnus gave a hum and then went back to looking at the kits. Wheeljack and Ultra Magnus had talked about going to the other clans to check if their team were there. Though, neither Wheeljack or Ultra Magnus wanted to break ShadowClan's and Tigerstar's trust.

I wonder if Tigerstar will send me on a patrol. Ultra Magnus thought as he looked at the dark tabby leader. As the blue tom watched the leader before the scents of Tawnypelt and the others filled his nose. His head turned as he watched as the patrol came into the camp.

"Tigerstar," Cloverfoot called out, the leader's head turning to her. "There was a patrol of ThunderClan cats waiting for us as SkyClan's border. I've allowed two of them to visit as they are looking for their family."

Optimus. Ultra Magnus immediately thought as he looked at Wheeljack.

Tigerstar came over to the patrol, his eyes narrowed. Behind the patrol, two cats came into the camp. The moment they saw the colors blue and red, Ultra Magnus and Wheeljack jumped to their paws.

As they came over, the blue-and-red tom looked over the she-cat that he was standing with, his gentle blue eyes acknowledging them before he looked at the cream she-cat. Ultra Magnus watched as his leader spoke to the she-cat before he dipped his head at Tigerstar before he left the she-cats side.

"Greetings," the Prime greeted them, "I hope ShadowClan has treated you well."

Ultra Magnus gave a nod. "They have."

"Good," Optimus looked at both of them, "I am glad they have taken care of you. I am also glad that I've found you two."

"So you've come to get us?" Wheeljack asked, his blue eyes questioning.

Optimus was quiet, though his gaze moved over to the she-cat he had followed into camp with. Ultra Magnus watched the Prime's gaze flash with a strange emotion.

"I am not certain," the Prime told them, "If the others are not in the other clans..."

"If they are not?"

Optimus looked at Wheeljack. "Rosepetal has been telling me about a gathering that the clans have each month."

I see. Though the new name had Ultra Magnus on edge.

"If I find the others and if anyone is chosen to go, we can meet up there," Optimus told them. "However, has there been any leads on the Decepticons?"

Ultra Magnus looked at Wheeljack before he shook his head.

"If they have come with us into this, world," Ultra Magnus started, "I haven't seen any signs of them."

Optimus gave a questioning hum before he gave a nod.

"If you see anything out of the ordinary, report it at the gathering if you are chosen," Optimus ordered.

"Got it, sir," Ultra Magnus gave a nod and then looked at Wheeljack who gave a nod as well.


The Prime blinked and his gaze shifted to the cat which Ultra Magnus figured was Rosepetal. The shine the she-cat eyes caught Ultra Magnus off guard.

"I must go," Optimus spoke up making Ultra Magnus look at him. "Do as I say and hopefully we'll find the others. Goodbye."

As the Prime turned, Ultra Magnus watched the interaction between his leader and Rosepetal. The cream she-cat's curled tail swayed and she looked ecstatic. Though once the ShadowClan patrol began to lead them out, Ultra Magnus couldn't help but have a bad feeling forum deep within his belly.

What could be waiting for them in the future? He had no idea.


The sound of his name made him growl and he turned to Cloverfoot as she had addressed him.

"Ultra Magnus, sir," He corrected her.

Cloverfoot just gave goofy smile and then nudged him.

"You're on the hunting patrol," she told him, "Hopefully you'll be able to catch something this time!"

He narrowed his eyes at her tone. "Where is Sparrowtail then? He's supposed to be helping?"

Clovertail curled her tail. "He's coming don't worry. Now get going."

He grunted and spun around where he saw Sparrowtail, Berryheart, and Stonewing looking over at him. The looks they were all giving him made his skin crawl. He was sure not only Optimus, but Wheeljack knew that they all had an odd color.

"Hope you're up for this," Sparrowtail told him. "Let's see if you have some skill in you."

Ultra Magnus could feel a rage fill within him.

"I am a commander for my leader," He grew closer to Sparrowtail, "I have plenty of skill. I'm not afraid to ask for help when I need it."

The expression of astonishment on Sparrowtail seemed to suit the tom and for a moment, Ultra Magnus almost regretted telling him the truth.

"Let's not waste any sunlight," he announced. "Let's get going."

The tom was quick to take the lead of the other two cats that followed while Sparrowtail watched them go. Ultra Magnus knew that his words did hurt the toms pride and he made a mental note to try and apologize later.

"Mind showing me where those rabbits can be found?" He looked at Berryheart. "I've taken a liking to them."

The black-and-white she-cat gave a nod. "Follow me."

With that, Ultra Magnus followed her into the forest beyond.

Prime Meets Warriors [transformers prime/warriors crossover]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat