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Moving between the trees, Optimus listened to Rosepetal as she spoke. Since beginning this journey of traveling to the other clans, Optimus had learned that these clans were much like the Autobots and the Decepticons. He couldn't help but feel a slight unease fill his belly. Not a single Decepticon has been spotted. Optimus could only guess what they were up too.

"Optimus? Are you listening?"

Blinking, his blue gaze landed on Rosepetal, her amber eyes questioning him as she watched him.

"Sorry, there is much on my processor," he told her.

Rosepetal's expression told him that she understood what he had said. 

"I suppose, your family is scattered across the clans," she replied. "It can't be easy to know that you will only see them at the borders and gatherings."

She had a point, though he wasn't worried about his family. They could take care of themselves if needed. They were all safe for the moment and that was good enough for him.

Optimus followed after the patrol, letting his eyes scan the area around him. If he was to live in this territory for some time, he should get accustomed to the layout. He breathed in the scents of the forest, finding himself purring at the smells. He was surprised with how fast his processor was cleared with learning these new smells.

Off to his right, he could hear the sounds of water. The prime stopped, sniffing and then broke off from patrol slightly. Moving up at a slight hill, Optimus looked down to a pool of water. A stream of water moved between the land, creating the border between ThunderClan and WindClan territory. The prime looked back to the bed of water, something in his spark almost luring him to it. 

"You found the Moonpool," Rosepetal's voice came from behind.

Optimus looked to her in question, "Moonpool?"

The cream she-cat slid next to him. "Yes, our medicine cats and leaders go there to speak with our ancestors."

Optimus was silent but nodded at her words.

They have beliefs. He thought, his eyes narrowing at the bed of water. Rosepetal continued to tell him all about StarClan and the Dark Forest, the Great Battle and everything that StarClan has done to lead them from a doomed home. Optimus could only feel that this StarClan was just as good at Primus. He felt a bit conflicted though.

Primus has his way of communicating. He thought. It seems StarClan is more open about their connections.

"We should continue on," Rosepetal meowed, Optimus watching her as she rose to her paws. "Molewhisker will wonder where we went and I would like to get into my nest before the rain comes."

Optimus sniffed the air the moment she spoke of rain. She was right. He could smell the faint traces of the rain coming.

"Sorry," he apologized, "let's not waste any time then."

Rosepetal gave purr as she turned and headed back down the hill. Optimus watched her go before his gaze went back to the Moonpool. He stayed where he was for a long moment, then he turned and followed Rosepetal.


"I trust that Molewhisker, Rosepetal, Bumblestripe, and Stormcloud took good care of you on your journey."

Optimus looked to Bramblestar as the tabby leader moved towards him. He caught the look of wariness when Bramblestar seemed to be looking for Ratchet.

"They have," Optimus told him quickly adding before Bramblestar could ask, "Ratchet has gone to SkyClan to tend to an injured friend. He'll be back soon."

Bramblestar's narrowed gaze watched him for a long moment before he simply gave a nod. Optimus could almost tell what the tom was thinking.

"I take it that you found your friends," Bramblestar meowed.

Optimus was quick to pick up the questioning tone. If he had learned anything about Bramblestar, the leader wanted to know everything and questioned everything.

He has his clans best interest. Optimus had tried to defend the leader's actions. 

"I have," Optimus nodded. "They are in the other clans, they shouldn't be a bother."

Optimus gave a nod to the other leader. Bramblestar then turned and padded over to Squirrelflight. The prime knew that the leader didn't trust him fully, that much was clear. 

Loyalty is everything. Optimus realized as his gaze moved to the mouse that he was eating. If I'm to stay here... I will have to sever my ties with my family? He didn't like the thought of that. His family was important to him. 

A crack of thunder rumbled in the distance and Optimus looked up to the gray sky. He watched the cloud roll by, then rose to his paws just in time to see that the clan cats were moving into the dens. He picked up his mouse before he would pad towards the warrior's den where he lowered his body to crawl in. Upon entering, he could see and feel the eyes on him. He didn't pay attention as he looked to Rosepetal. Her cream pelt stood out amongst the others now and he found her quickly. She was laying in her nest, cleaning herself. His spark fluttered and he moved towards her.

"Hello," he greeted her.

Rosepetal blinked and stopped cleaning when he spoke before she looked at him. A purr rose in her throat. Optimus couldn't help but feel a bit restless at her energy.

"Hello," she replied, her eyes glittering.

Optimus let a purr rise in his throat before he looked to the empty nest and the gestured to it. "Is this one taken?"

Rosepetal shook her head, moving to continue to clean herself. Optimus stepped into the nest, settling down with his mouse in his paws. For a brief moment, he felt that something was out of place. He couldn't describe it but brushed it off as he finished his mouse. As he finished, he looked to Rosepetal only to find her curled up in her nest, her eyes closed. The prime then curled up as well, watching the others for a long moment. 

Everything seems fine. And Optimus didn't question it as he let himself fell into recharge.

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