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same day as last chapter, 4pm

An awkward silence fills the air for a little while before Anna decides to break it.

"Listen, I'm sorry, for everything. I had no right to leave you both like that, to make you suffer the way I did, you deserved none of it and for that I'm sorry. I really am. You two were nothing but good to me and for me, and I just left you without warning you. I regret what I did." Anna holds back her tears it broke William and Chris' heart to see her like that.

"The reason I left is because I was scared and lost, after everything that happened with my brother, Yakuza, the new gang in town, getting kidnapped and Will getting shot I just couldn't handle it anymore." Anna explains to them.

"What about your boyfriend?" Chris asks.

"No longer have one." Anna looks up to Chris, his eyes were watery and the tears were there.

"How long are you here for?" William asks her.

"I moved back." Anna replies. "I'm here for good."

"Sure." Chris scoffs, she deserved it.

"Right. You have your own place or?" William continues to talk with her.

"Yes, yes I do." Anna tries to smile but fails miserably.

The three just stand in awkward silence once again not knowing how to act around one another anymore, the boys weren't sure if they were meant to love Anna or hate her.

the next day, 9am, Nissen

Anna took a deep breath before entering her old school. She had a few exams left to take from school back in America before she was actually a graduate so here she was back at Nissen.

"Well would you look who it is?" Jonas messes up Anna's hair. "Nervous?"

"That's an understatement." Anna sighs.

"It's only three exams and then you never have to come back here again." Jonas puts his arm around her shoulders.

"How come you forgave me Jonas?" Anna asks him.

"Because you're my friend, one of my best friends and I love you too much to not forgive you." Jonas kisses her head.

"Do you think Will and Chris will forgive me?" Anna sighs.

"Definitely but you broke their hearts and that takes a while to mend." Jonas gives her a small smile.

The two walk over to Magnus and Sana who sat outside the school. They all started to catch up when William's car pulled up.

"Fucking hell, William's car is so cheesy." Magnus shakes his head.

"It's his dream car." Anna says remembering the couple hundred times William had told her so.

"Shocker! She's alive!" Jonas chuckles as Noora steps out the car smiling. Sana immediately gets up and walks down to their level leaving the others to continue their conversation.

After a lot of kissing William finally lets Noora go with Sana.

"Anna!" William whistles. "Come."

"That's my cue to leave." Anna gets up and Jonas gives her a small smile.

She walks over to William who was leaning against his car.

"Hello." William greets.

"Hi." Anna replies.

"When can you come pick up your things? I moved from the old place and have a bunch of your stuff left in our guest room."

"I have a 3 hour exam, I'll come by after so at 2."

always [3] // chris schistadWhere stories live. Discover now