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William's Apartment, 5:12am

"Dad wanted me back." William says.

"What did you tell him?" Anna asks as she sits on the counter.

"That Noora needed her friends and that I needed to be with her."

"What did he respond?"

"I haven't opened his text yet."

"You told him the truth, that's all that matters."

"He's going to hate me."

"For a while, maybe, but this is your home, not London."


"Will, you don't want to be in London, you don't want to be your dad and you're entitled to make your own decisions now."

"He'll cut me off."

"He hasn't cut Nikolai off yet so I highly doubt you will be cut off."

"Well, when you put it that way."

"Would you please just stop worrying, if you're ever in need of a job you can always be my assistant."

"Nuh-uh, no way."

"Come on, the job is yours if you want it. I'm going to need someone to run errands for me when I'm too busy with photo shoots."

"It's not going to be me that's for sure."

"Ungrateful shit."

"Thank you for the offer though."

"You can always go work for my dad and brother."

"No way. Never in a million years." William refuses straight away.

"Understandable." Anna agrees with him. "So, is that all you wanted to talk about, your dad?"

"Pretty much." William nods.

"Well then, I should get going." Anna gets off of the counter.

"Anna, you know you can stay." William sighs.

"It just doesn't feel right knowing that we still aren't friends." Anna sends Will a small smile.

"You know that we're more than friends Anna, you're my best friend, you have been since forever." Will reminds her.

"Yet it doesn't feel like it anymore and I know that that's my fault." Anna sighs. "We'll get back there, eventually, I hope."

"We're already back there Anna. It's 5 in the morning, I've woken you up because I needed to talk and you came, just like old times. I wouldn't do that with anyone else and no one else would do that for me."

"I just don't understand why you'd forgive me after all the shit I put you through."

"Because you're my family Anna. I've known you since you were born, I still have a photo of me holding you at age two with the help of your dad. You, Chris and Noora are the only people I would do anything for and that I would forgive no matter what they did."

"I really don't deserve any of this."

"Probably not but I really don't care because this past year without you has been one of the worst of my life." William sighs.

"I've missed you Will." Anna wraps her arms around William's waist and rests her head against his chest.

"I've missed you too Ann." William kisses her head as he holds her tightly. "We just need to get Chris back and it'll be us against the world again."

always [3] // chris schistadWhere stories live. Discover now