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William's Apartment, 9:34am

It was finally summer break in Norway, everyone had graduated and was ready to party in LA but there was one major issue.

"I am pregnant William." Anna screams as she runs out the toilet all five tests in hand.

"Holy shit!" William shouts. "Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit!"

"Stop it you're stressing me out." Anna falls to the ground crying.

"Okay, right, sorry, sorry." William picks Anna up off the ground and sits her on the counter. "I'll get Noor."

William rushes to his room and wakes Noora up.

"Why do you two always get up so early?" Noora groans as William drags her into the kitchen.

"I'm pregnant." Anna cries. Noora goes into shock.

"Oh crap." Noora contains herself. "So, are you going to keep it? Are you going to tell Chris?"

"Why would she tell Chris? It's obviously Mikael's." William corrects Noora.

"It's Chris'." Noora states. "Isn't it?"

"Anna Peterson!" William shouts. "You have a boyfriend, you've been together for two months."

"And in those two months they've been on three different breaks." Noora points out. "Meaning Anna went right back to Chris who cheated on Emma."

"You need a Bible Anna." William says. "Ridiculous. Chris, of course."

"How in the world do I tell him?" Anna sighs.

"Good question." Noora responds. "William?"

"Like dude, Chris, seriously?" William rubs his head.

"He's still in shock, great." Noora shakes her head in annoyance.

The three just sat in silence not knowing what to do, Anna was only 18. Sure, she had a stable living situation as did Chris and her dad would fully support her, but she was so young.

"Hey Will, I thought about what you said yesterday, you know about my car and I think you're right, a Porsche is a good option." Chris says as he enters the kitchen.

The three just stare at him.

"Morning." Chris says suspiciously.

"Hi." the three say in unison. Chris notices the pregnancy tests on the counter and his eyes go wide.

"They're mine, I'm pregnant." Noora says.

"Huh?" Chris frowns.

"We're pregnant." William cheers.

"No way." Chris says dead serious.

"Uh yes way." Noora retorts.

"Noora, you just got that implant in your arm meaning you're on birth control meaning you can't get pregnant meaning Anna is pregnant." Chris turns to her causing Anna's breathing to hitch. "Heavy breathing, puffy eyes, tear stained cheeks, yep, you're pregnant."

"Fuck." William mutters.

"Congratulations." Chris says with a hint of sadness in his voice. "You and Mikael are going to be great parents, I'm sure."

"Thank the lord." William whispers to Noora who sighs of relief.

"Just please don't tell him, I know you guys are friends and all but I haven't told him yet. It's a surprise." Anna lies.

"Secret's safe with me." Chris nods. "Well then, I better get going, see you later Will."

And just like that Chris walks out the door, a loud 'fuck' can be heard in the hallway before the elevator arrives and Chris enters it.

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