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Dowtown Oslo, 12:21pm

Vilde, Chris Berg, Sana, Noora and Anna all sat in a restaurant downtown, nothing fancy, just their usual place for lunch.

"Where is Eva? I told her to be here for 11:45 knowing she would be late." Vilde shakes her head in annoyance.

"She'll be here soon, don't worry." Noora gives Vilde a reassuring smile and as if by magic Eva rushes into the restaurant.

"I'm here, sorry I'm late." Eva apologises as she takes her coat off and takes a seat next to Anna.

"What were you doing?" Vilde asks.

"More like who were you doing?" Sana giggles as she notices the hickey on Eva's neck. "Nice hickey Eva."

"Shit, that fuckboy." Eva groan as she looks at the hickey with her phone's camera.

"So, who is it?" Chris Berg nudges her.

"You already know the answer to that question." Eva rolls her eyes at her friends.

"I don't." Anna says.

"Exactly, Anna doesn't know, you have to say his name." Sana smirks.

"Chris, I was with Chris." Eva admits and in that moment Anna's heart broke. "I hope you don't mind Anna, we just reconnected so well at the party the other day that we hung out last night and yeah, one thing led to another. I think he really likes me though, he said he wanted me to be his girlfriend. I said no, he's a fuckboy. If I did go out with him would you mind Anna?"

"Of course not Eva, as long as you're happy, I'm happy no matter who it is with. Chris and I is in the past, we're friends now just like before so if you want to be with him go for it, he seems really keen and so do you." Anna holds back the tears. "You have my blessing."

"Thank you Anna, it really means a lot." Eva brings her into a hug which Anna accepts.

"You deserve to be happy Eva." Anna smiles at her.

"It's good to have you back Anna." Chris smiles at her and the others nod in agreement.

The girls order their food and begin to catch up.

"So wait, you're an instagram model?" Vilde says in shock.

"Pretty much, yeah." Anna nods smiling. "I'm still going to go to school though when I finish high school or maybe take a few business classes. I'd like to start my own company."

"What kind of company?" Vilde asks her.

"Well I want to have my own line of active wear clothes but I'd also like to start a foundation to help kids who have a difficult family life, you know like open community centres in bad neighbourhoods. I have the money so yeah." Anna shrugs. "It's definitely something that I really want to do."

"You've grown so much Anna." Noora says proudly. "You've changed, in a good way, you're more open minded I feel, you're less materialistic."

"Travelling the world and moving to LA has definitely puts things into perspective for me, I've realised a lot of things." Anna explains.

"I think your ideas are amazing." Eva takes her hand and squeezes it.

"Enough about me, talk to me about you guys and what's new. I want all the gossip, especially from you Vilde, I know you know everything." Anna smirks her way.

"I wouldn't say everything but I do know a lot." Vilde smirks.

As the girls talk Anna zones out for a little while thinking about Chris, it was only two days ago that the two were in bed together making promises to each other to one day start a family in Chris' new house and get married but of course, Chris had played her. Noora noticed Anna zoning out and knew exactly what was wrong.

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