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Anna's Apartment, 11pm

"Anna." Chris makes her look him in the eyes. "It's mine, isn't it?"

"Hmm." Anna responds. "Yes."

"You weren't going to tell me?"

"Why should I?"

"Because that's my baby too."

"You're with someone else now."


"So you don't care about me anymore Chris, you've moved on."

"That's not true Ann."


"For fuck sake Anna stop it!" Chris gets up from the couche and starts pacing around the room. "Don't you see that I still fucking love you?"

"Don't say things like that Chris." Anna shakes her head. "You have Emma."

"And? Emma is just another fling which once again I can't be loyal to. Do you really think I would come back to you if I really wanted to be with Emma and didn't care about you?"

"Maybe, I don't know anymore."

"Bullshit Anna. You know me, you know I only go back to people I care about, people that matter to me. You are one of those people, you are the person who matters the most to me and who I love the most in this world Ann."

"We're just too fucked up Chris."

"No, we're not, that's bullshit. We work so damn well together, sure we fight but I wouldn't want to get into fights with anyone else but you over stupid things like what apples to buy."

"It's just.."

"It's just what Anna? What's stopping us from being together? I am so in love with you Ann, you have no idea. I would do anything for you and you feel the same way about me. I know it."

"I can't do this to Mikael or Emma even, she's become my friend."

"You owe them nothing."

"They'd hate us."

"So? They're not big parts of our lives like Will or Noor. We'd manage without them."


"Anna, I love you and I have loved you ever since you threw that basketball at my face when you were 7 and I was 9. You mean everything to me Anna and so much more. Words can't describe how happy I am when I'm around you, how care free I feel as if it were just the two of us. We deserve to be happy Anna, fuck the others as long I have you, my life is complete because not only are you the love of my life, you're my best friend too Ann." Chris sits down beside her placing both of his hands on her cheeks. "And I promise to love you, take care of you, cherish you, fight with you, laugh and cry with you, watch your stupid TV shows and chose the more expensive apples at the store for the rest of my life because I'm in love with you Ann."

"I'm in love with you too Chris, always have been and always will be." Anna smiles as tears stream down her face.

Chris wipes away her tears and kisses her passionately. Anna props herself on top of him and the two make out on the couch.

"I love you Chris." Anna says between kisses.

"And I love you Anna." Chris goes to kiss her neck.

"Wait, the baby." Anna stops him. "I don't know if we can."

"I'll be gentle, I promise." Chris kisses her.

always [3] // chris schistadWhere stories live. Discover now