Chapter Twenty-Four: A Failed Test

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As expected, Arthur, Morgana, the king and the Lady Catrina were in the Dining Chambers together eating their dinner. As usual Merlyn was one of the servants that had been assigned to serve them during dinner which always gave Arthur joy. It meant he could spend his dinner watching her if he so wished – there was a dangerous joy in sharing knowing glances with Morgana and Uther so close. Usually at these meals Arthur's attention was partly split between his family and his servant but this time Arthur was interested in Catrina. The Lady Catrina was a conundrum for the prince of Camelot but it was his father's actions which were more worrying for the man.

"Well, this is wonderful. Thank you" Lady Catrina announced whilst Merlyn leant over and poured more sweet wine into her cup.

"It's an honour. The Houses of Tregor and Pendragon have been allies for as well, as long as anyone can remember" Uther explained whilst Merlyn took her place behind the Lady Catrina.

"My father often spoke of you, My Lord" Catrina admitted as she picked around at her food, her fork moving the substances around but not eating any.

"And I will remember him always" Uther replied solemnly.

"I'm sorry I didn't get the chance to meet him" Arthur interjected. Whilst the words were expected, Arthur was actually sorry especially considering how the man died was so brutal. To be invaded before anyone could do anything.

"I'm sorry too. For the House of Tregor is no more" Catrina said her face falling whilst her fingertips pushed her plate away. Arthur couldn't imagine losing everything, losing the entirety of one's family yet still having to live themselves.

"Well, no, Catrina, it lives on in you" Uther argued back.

"I only wish that were true" Catrina said staring back at the king.

"It is, My Lady. Your courage, your modesty" Uther emphasised. At his words Arthur turned to look at his father with a frown firmly in place. His father normally never complimented people like that. "And you are as you always were, ever since you were a child."

"Ah, I fear I am much changed since then, my Lord" Catrina argued back with a smile, the picture of perfect graces.

"Oh, yes, it's true. You are far more beautiful now" Uther stated with a pointed look towards the woman. Arthur felt sick; he was truly appalled at witnessing his father ... flirting? He could have gone a lifetime without seeing that. Of course, Catrina demurely lowered her head and blushed whilst Arthur looked over her shoulder to Merlyn who shared a very similar look as he did. It would seem Merlyn was not a fan of Uther's words either. Knowing his father would probably like some time with Catrina alone and mainly for the fact he wanted to run away, Arthur lifted his hand to his mouth and faked a yawn.

"I'm sorry, hard day's training. If you'll excuse me" Arthur said addressing their guest as was customary.

"Of course," Catrina replied with a smile. Arthur bowed and left the table with Uther's dismissal echoing behind him. Seconds later, Morgana too was getting to her feet and leaving the table. Clearly, Arthur and Morgana had had the same thoughts.

"Morgana" Uther dismissed. Having placed down her mug, Merlyn went to follow her master but quite suddenly the king's voice reached her ears. "Girl, my drink." Merlyn's footsteps faltered as she looked over her shoulder to see the king staring expectedly at her. Immediately, Merlyn gave the king a small smile and curtseyed towards him before she moved back up the table towards him, grasping the jug from the table. Quickly, Merlyn filled Uther's cup once more. Arthur had turned to look over his shoulder to find Merlyn awkwardly standing just off to the side of the king with the jug in her hands.

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